I truly challenge you to read this entry. I know I get winded, - TopicsExpress


I truly challenge you to read this entry. I know I get winded, but this is the lowest form of American one can be, IMO. This is just sickening. Stop putting up road blocks to the race card thing. It exists, and it is Real my friends. Prejudice towards other groups is real too. I applaud those who stay in the race closet because that is the best place for you, but if you make decisions based on that, then you are a reckless coward to society. And please spare me the opinion or belief theatrics. If people were actually willing to take their real thoughts out of the closet, I am sure that a very large array of the votes were due to this and the same will go if a woman runs for POTUS. I am not whining about the mid-term ass whooping the Dems took, but it is pretty evident what America is dealing with here. Candy coating Ted Cruzs BS and many others in line with him only makes them look more stupid. You can wrap racism in many wrapping paper styles of your choosing, but in the end, it is still the same thing. Voter ID laws, Over the top welfare reform, Minimum wage issues, Ferguson (from both sides of the argument at some point), BC coverage, Equal pay rights, etc, etc. It all sums up to the fear that an overwhelming number of American have toward the extinction of what they think is some God given White Supremacy Right that never meant anything but being a big ass bigot. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free. Half of the people if not more, have not a clue what this even is and we want to stand behind their rhetoric and visions for our nation? Why? Because we are too scared to admit our failures, our defeats, and stand up the the weak. Too many of us would rather work our 9-5 with much more than we need and not help the man on the corner, or the young girl with 2-3 children and a MW job. Our lives are way too important to include the Masses yet we so eloquently show our freedoms through the symbol of a strong tall woman on our forward shore, or the men and women who sacrifice their very own lives for ours. We forget that these individuals come from all walks of the earth, all races, and color. What people like that need........ is an education. An education to realize that a Nigger is not a black person but a person who uses the word as such, and a person who has no value or respect for others. I think that as a citizen, under the laws of this country bound by its very Constitution, the guy who called in should be fined by the FCC for knowingly calling in on a live TV broadcast and using language that is considered fine $$$ worthy to networks. You want to show true colors, then pay for them. And Spare me the 5th theatrics too. We are not heathens but we act like it. We are not without contempt, but it seems as such, and we are definitely not looking like the upstanding and worldly nation we claim to be. If you want a wake up call, this is it. This is an American disease that is gaining momentum again. Mock my words, this can be the demise of our great nation. Dont let it catch up to you.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:00:06 +0000

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