I understand using social media to get a message across, I think - TopicsExpress


I understand using social media to get a message across, I think it is excellent but just know that the same feeling should carry across to what you do on a daily basis in REAL LIFE regarding change for the better. Its easy to get on a computer and post and share things but it isnt as easy to dedicate your LIFE to uplifting people with EVERY action that you do when you step out of your house into the REAL WORLD and that is WAY more important because the negativity is NEXT LEVEL REAL out here. There are so many of these same situations that dont make the press! To the people who ACTUALLY represent for uplifting and progression through your real life actions regardless of the negative situations that reach the news I salute you.This is something that we ALL should be conscious of and work to resolve at ALL TIMES! The Ferguson situation is beyond wild and it reflects what has been going on for centuries, at the same time it has been POWERFUL black people who dedicated their LIVES to creating the change that has enabled us in the modern day to have better situations (Way before a computer even existed)! Dont be distracted by all of the media, see what is REAL and ACT ON IT with your intelligence! Each and every one of us has what it takes to put a stop to the madness. Our forefathers laid an excellent blueprint on how to create REAL change for the better in many ways! Now that you see the dilemma, ACT ON CHANGING IT DAILY in real life for the rest of your life, not just with social media then you go right back to the BS when everything settles down! My prayers go out to all of my people in Ferguson and around the world who are facing any evil in any form. Regardless of how you feel about the people in Fergusons reaction, they are standing up (In real life) against the terrors that have been going on for too long so dont judge them, just keep them deep in your prayers because it is VERY real down there right now! This post isnt to get Likes or Comments or any of that nonsense. Its just me speaking from the heart on an issue that is REAL and BEYOND typing a Message and clicking on Post. I love you all. actual - existing in fact; typically as contrasted with what was intended, expected, or believed. dedication - the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. R.I.P. to Michael Brown and all of the brothers and sisters who have become a victim by the hands of law enforcement.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:30:23 +0000

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