I want to say I need a better hobby, but this was more productive - TopicsExpress


I want to say I need a better hobby, but this was more productive than video games. I took 2 hours to find, compile, and create a visualization for 3 years worth of data to show that a so-called analysis regarding the correlation between handgun permits and crime reduction was flawed... results are below: https://public.tableausoftware/views/TennesseeViolentCrimeandHandgunTrends/CrimevsHandgunPermitsDashboardTennessee?:embed=y&:display_count=no:showVizHome=no Im all for the gun debate, but lets use real data and real statistics, not goofy lines that say what you want.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:20:54 +0000

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