I want to say something concerning book prices. When I hear people - TopicsExpress


I want to say something concerning book prices. When I hear people complaining that my books (and other peoples) should all be free or $0.99. Heres just a little bit of what goes into writing these books that some people think they should get for free. (1)Im a stay at home mother with a 4-yr-old with special needs, and I do ALL my writing late at night after my daughter has gone to bed. So after Ive had a full day with her, therapy, school (where I am her social coach in the classroom) I come home and write. (2) I pay for professional editing, covers, swag, and party gifts for my fans (because they are awesome) The costs to produce a book can range from $1500-$3000. This is money Im investing in my business to MAKE money to LIVE on. To PAY the mortgage, etc. (3) I spend anywhere from 2-3 months on each book depending on the length. Hundreds and hundreds of hours, because I love what I do, but also to create a product that my fans will love and will help me support my family. So when you complain that you arent willing to pay 3.99 or 4.99 for a book that cost you the same as popping in McDonalds for a meal or Starbucks for a latte, I have to step up and say. Take a step back and really think about what we (as authors) are really doing to bring you entertainment. People pay anywhere from $5-$18 for a movie ticket. More if you buy food. So the next time you want to complain that you paid 2.99-4.99 for an ebook (even if it was short), please remember how much, blood, sweat, and upfront cost went into creating a slice of fabulousness for you to read.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 23:41:30 +0000

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