I want to share some thoughts of mine in hopes that it reaches and - TopicsExpress


I want to share some thoughts of mine in hopes that it reaches and speaks to even just one person and helps them to continue to make positive decisions. Last year I made some major life changes and the impact of those changes made so much difference. I started The Sammus Theory in my bedroom in 2003. It was the first and only music entity that I was truly involved in to the extent of working/living it as a career. I moved to Arizona in 2004 in hopes of going to audio recording school and to expand the roots of a project that was literally my entire life. Fast forward to 2013. Every ounce of my being, all of the money I made, all of the resources I had - it had all hit a brick wall. I was tired. I was beat. Most of all, I was unhappy. I had contemplated quitting for a year at this point, but it was never a serious thought, but rather a what if in the back of my brain that was quickly choked out with a loud NO. After a series of events, it finally struck me that I needed to move on because I had unknowingly created a ceiling for myself that had seemed to darken and block out all opportunities and make me feel like I had tapped out my potential. For the first time in ten years, I wasnt afraid of what life would be like without The Sammus Theory, but instead, I was excited to find out what it would be like without that ceiling. I finally understood the concepts of unkown and limitless; where there had always been some sort of limits and restrictions I placed on myself before, there was now endless opportunity and decisions to make. My life and my future was completely in my hands. The Sammus Theory is far from a regret to me, however. I am proud and grateful for every accomplishment I worked to achieve both personally and professionally. Im grateful for all the fans and friends along the way. Im grateful for the times I felt ashamed from being a jerk, whatever the reason - they make you realize your faults and help you strive to become a better person and to never repeat certain actions because of how they make you and others around you feel. Im grateful for the fun times, the awful times, and everything in between. It was one of the biggest life lessons I could have ever asked for to prepare me for my next step in life, and laying it to rest was one of the best/healthiest things I have ever done. It ignited a fire under me that burned a thousand times hotter than before. School, marriage, writing, starting my studio...limitless possibilities as long as I continue to seek doors to kick down. The point of this is that there are aspects of your life that you love and hold on to, no matter how they can make you feel. People, things, places...whatever it/they may be; some even attached to your very core. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is to release your death grip on them to let them go so you can open opportunity for yourself and feel inspired again. Dont forget them, but learn from them and utilize your experiences from them to make you a better you. Your life is your life, and the second that is taken from you in any way, be it by yourself or your surroundings, make the change to move over it and continue to progress, no matter how hard and scary it may be. It is truly inspiring and motivating once you break that dark ceiling and see the sky again.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:27:46 +0000

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