I want to share something with you all. I have been struggling - TopicsExpress


I want to share something with you all. I have been struggling lately. I lost my focus. I took on too much & became consumed & overwhelmed. The Free Justina group in itself is a full-time job. I signed up for an administration connect group, financial peace class, operation life change class, hosted my own single-mom connect group, volunteer at church, taxi kids around to school, games, rehearsals, appointments, physical therapy, etc; along with normal errands, such as grocery shopping, cooking, laundry, etc. With all this, I had no time left for God! My alone-time, as I like to call it, with God had dwindled off to almost none! You see, the devil can turn whats good & use it against you (just like God can take what the devil meant for bad & turn it around for good if you allow Him). All these things are noble causes or good things. Its not that I was doing anything bad. But I overloaded myself & it wore me down. I forgot Who is suppose to be first. I became stressed out. When God is not first, things feel unorganized & overwhelming. That was the devils plan. He tries everything possible to separate us from God. He knows that he cant make it obvious, so he finds ways to disguise himself & sneak it in there. He used good things to get me too busy for God! The devil is the master of disguise. God is about order. When He is first, front, & center, everything in life seems to fall into place. He puts things in order & keeps you on a steady path. You feel peace & contentment. You feel energized & motivated. The moment that peace leaves you, you need to ask yourself what have you done to separate yourself from God? You need to pray & ask God to expose the enemy & his attacks. You need to declare truth in your life. Ask forgiveness for whatever it is that kept you from God. Ask Him to pick you up & set you back down on stable ground, on His path, going His way. His way never fails! I had become consumed with the Free Justina group & kept telling myself I needed to step away & focus back on God to be able to run it properly. I was engaging in arguments, letting people upset me, lashing back, etc. I had stopped fighting spiritually & begun to fight in the flesh!! My spiritual bank was depleted! Because I wasnt having my alone-time with God to fill it up! The devil had me right where he wanted me. The group was getting attacked from ALL angles! Members fighting with each other, members attacking admins, members attacking my beliefs, etc. The other amazing admins who help me out were getting horribly sick & their children sick & taken to the ER! One admin was having allergic reactions on top of being sick & taking care of sick children! Daniel & I having financial trouble, the Pelletiers at this time had their ONE visitation denied, I could go on & on with all the bad things happening! I felt SO HEAVY! Saturday night it was literally hard to breathe! I was making dinner in tears & having to take deep breaths because it felt so hard to breathe. I KNEW the devil was attacking HARDCORE. You see, when I first got involved with Justinas story & started the group, God revealed to me right away that I was about to take on something BIG spiritually. He made it very clear that this force involved was a VERY STRONG demonic stronghold. Huge. Like, BIG. He told me this not to scare me, rather so I would be prepared & understand what I was up against (He actually revealed to me things that came to light later-in other words-I knew stuff before it even came out. Crazy!). I did good, until recently. Id say the last month at least is when I began to lose focus. God is so good. I was doing dishes on Sat & God spoke to me. One simple sentence: You are not doing your job. Wow. I took that as I am not doing my job spiritually. Im not doing my job as a christian. Wow. I LOVE when God speaks to me! He is always on-point & firm, yet so gentle & loving!! I always feel so humbled when He does this. Im like, Youre right God (of course lol). Later on, on the way home from Syrus baseball game (which they won haha), I see a sign in front of a church while sitting at a stoplight. It read, The battle is not yours, its Gods. Wow. SO GOOD! God was speaking to me AGAIN! He was reminding me this is & always has been HIS battle. I am just His vessel! He led me here to do HIS work, to go where He guides me, to do what He desires. This is not about me. It is not my battle! What a relief! I love Gods reminders! Sunday, at church, I met with a group of women from my Operation Life Change class before service started to discuss homework from the class. I know it was meant to be. I gained some really good insight, then the service was so amazing & worship was beautiful! I felt back on track & it felt great! I went to church stressed out & left feeling great. Love that! Then, as if to nail it in even more, at my Operation Life Change class we delved into the spiritual realm & battles. I already was very aware of spiritual warfare & the realm. But I learned even more than what I already knew & it was like God PUT EVERYTHING I WAS GOING THROUGH IN PERFECT PERSPECTIVE! Everything was so clear! I talked to Pastor after & he agreed Im up against a MAJOR battle on a national level. He warned me to be careful & prayed over me. He also said I need to be praying, fasting, & I need a prayer chain going. So here I am. Telling all of you my story & asking for a prayer chain. I NEED this. Please understand how deep & important this is. God led me into this for a reason. I never know where each turn is going to lead me, but I continue to take each step, having faith that He knows what He is doing. He has never let me down. Please pray that I stay focused on Him, seek Him first, that I am able to hear Gods direction & voice. Pray for a protection & covering over me & my family, the other admins & their families, & the group. Pray this for the Pelletiers & the legal team as well. This is a war & all these court hearings are the battles. Pray for Gods will to be done. Pray that I keep the armor of God on, as stated in Ephesians 6:10-20, so I can continue the fight. There have been people of faith who exposed the devil & paid dearly for it. Mel Gibson is one example. For doing the movie Passion of the Christ, he took on a huge battle. A lot of bad things happened to him after. He fell a part. The guy that did the Kony videos, where he exposed the invisible children in Africa, who were being recruited as child soldiers; I guess he ran out of his house naked, screaming, & went crazy. This is some SERIOUS STUFF guys! If your walk with God is not strong, the devil will have his way with you!! You cant fight the good fight without the GOOD in it, which is Jesus! You cant win without the armor of God on!! So please pray that I keep this armor on. This battle is spiritual. I must remember that! I am so grateful for what God has shown me. He is so good. Oh, heres another sign from God. What a perfect scripture of the day that popped up on my phone early this morning that I posted already: Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him. James 1:12 Armor of God Ephesians 6:10-20 Finally, be strong in the Lord & in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world & against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, & after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, & with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation & the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers & requests. With this in mind, be alert & always keep on praying for all the Lords people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. #amen #armorofGod #FREEJUSTINA #scripture #truth #wisdom #knowledge #Jesus #Godisgood #spiritualbattle #pray
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:46:19 +0000

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