( I want to share this article that I just read, that I needed . - TopicsExpress


( I want to share this article that I just read, that I needed . The title is "Praying down Peace" and it is written by John Paul Jackson The following are his words and the start of his article......)".I have found that my level of revelation directly corresponds to my level of peace. The reverse is also true—my level of revelation corresponds to my level of anxiety. The United States is going through many changes right now, and it is hard for the average American to keep track of all of them. In a time when most of us look at the future with uncertainty, it is vital to remember that the greater our peace in God, the better we will be able to hear His voice. Fear tries to strike at the heart of God’s people. It causes us to think, I’m just trying to survive! I know I won’t be successful in life. I’m not really going to change anything. What about my family? What about my career? What if none of this works out? Fear makes us concerned about us, and the more concerned we are about our own lives, the fewer people we impact, because all of our effort and energy is directed toward keeping ourselves afloat. The gifts of the Holy Spirit flow through Him and His peace; the greater His peace is within us, the more He is flowing through us. BUILDING PEACE How do we grow peace in our lives when we are facing many things that could cause us concern? In 1 Timothy 2:1–4, Paul tells us to pray and give thanks for all people. We are to pray for every person—not just rulers and leaders, the “important” people who govern the land, but all people. We give thanks for one another and for the authorities God has placed over us. Do you pray for the government? Do you bring its officials before God, asking for His mercy and guidance? Do you thank Him for the president? Do you thank Him for the different political parties—“for kings and all who are in authority”? What is the result of these prayers? Peace. Paul says that the result of praying and giving thanks for “all men” is that we have peace in our lives. JOB’S ANOINTING The Holy Spirit of Peace produces peace in us when we allow Him to produce peace in us. We choose to set our minds on things above, not on things below. We spend time with our Father. We make Him our delight and our focus. We obey His Word and learn His ways. Paul wrote that he was content in every circumstance. His contentment came from peace, and his peace came from setting aside a time when, without distraction, he could think on things that were noble, things that were good, things that were holy, things that were just, things that were virtuous (Philippians 4:8). He thought on God, and the anxiousness was driven from him. Depression could not lay hold of him, and he learned to be content in all things. In the Old Testament when the Lord restored Job’s losses, He gave the man twice as much as Job had possessed before. When did the Lord do this for him? He did it when the man prayed for his friends. Job received a double anointing when, in the midst of his own pain, he stopped thinking about himself and started praying for others. It is the same principle that Paul talks about in 1 Timothy 2:1–4. As we pray for other people, God’s voice becomes clearer and our hearts become calmer because we are looking to Him. The more of Him within us, the greater our peace and the more He can show us what is to come (John 16:13)."
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 03:02:37 +0000

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