I want you American Niggers to explain to me how the white - TopicsExpress


I want you American Niggers to explain to me how the white Americans are benefiting from slavery but black Americans are not. This is a free country. You have the right and choice to be wealthy or poor. Nobody forces black men to hang out on the block and slang dope. Nobody forces black women to have 5 kids by 6 baby daddies. Nobody forces young black girls to get pregnant and drop out of school...its their CHOICE. We get 13 yrs of free education, many get scholarships, financial aid etc.. the poor gets paid to be poor in Amurica. Niggahs are sleeping on top of garbage because they want to not because they have no choice. On tbe other hand, young black boys are given the choice of joining militias or death in AFRICA. Some young kids are orphans because their parents were slaughtered, some die of famine or aids etc...so yes black americans are benefiting from slavery as well. Matter of fact...the next time you wear diamonds just know that some poor black kid probably slaved or was murdered over that diamond. The next time you wear some fancy shit that was made in china, some poverished kid in slavery broke their back so you can live lavishly. Im SO SICK of you wannabe ass problacks that sit on your asses complaining about the white man all day. We first need to correct ourselves before we try to check anyone else because black people are oppressed by BLACK PEOPLE.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 16:00:40 +0000

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