I want you to do something different from now on… Something - TopicsExpress


I want you to do something different from now on… Something that I know will help in every area of your life, including… ESPECIALLY your marketing. Whenever approaching ANY situation, I want you to think about what you want to get out of the experience. What is your frame? In other words, in what state of mind are you in and what do you hope to get out of the experience? This last weekend, I had the opportunity to visit a monument that is dedicated to one of the most influential men of the last century… That man is Billy Graham. Before visiting The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC, I made sure I set a clear intention for the experience and got in the right frame of mind to receive the most benefit. I didn’t go as a non-believer, a Christian, a skeptic, or a tourist… I went as a marketer. I went as someone that is committed to learning all I can about the art of effective communication and influence. I’ve got to tell you, it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life… They really create an experience from the moment you walk in until the moment you leave. Please, all you Christians out there, don’t get offended by what I’m about to say next… I’m not trying to marginalize your faith by comparing it to sales. But if you look at Jesus as a product, nobody… NOBODY, was better at selling that product better than Billy Graham. Inside the library, you’ll see footage of him evangelizing to packed stadiums all around the world and influencing tens of thousands to come up front to hand their lives over to Jesus Christ, publicly. The entire library was laid out as one big magnificent sales experience… It starts with his childhood on a small dairy farm, going off to bible college in Florida, and his tent revivals in California in his younger years. The experience takes you on a journey as Billy spreads his message to larger and larger crowds all around the world. In every exhibit, gospel music is playing, bible verses are painted on the walls, and footage of Billy Graham sharing the gospel is playing on large monitors… It’s clear that this is not only intended to educate you on the life of Billy Graham, but to educate you on his gospel, the impact it has had around the world, and the impact it can have on you. Toward the end of the tour, a video plays of testimonials from various people from all around the world that have been transformed by Billy and his message. Finally, you walk through a magnificent hall of glass crosses into a room for your “hour of decision”. In sales, we call this a call to action... You are literally asked to give your life over to Jesus Christ. Directly outside the room are volunteers to pray with you… Despite not answering the call, I allowed a kind and VERY sincere old man to pray that I have a safe trip home… I did. From pre framing, to telling stories, demonstrating social proof, and offering testimonials, to “closing the sale”, it was one of the most elegant sales experiences I have ever seen in my life… So many lessons were learned. Had I not set a clear intention and been in the right frame of mind, I may have missed so much. I highly recommend everyone go to The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte if you ever get the chance. Go as a Christian. Go as an Atheist. Go as a marketer. Just go. But make sure you know exactly what you’re going as.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 20:48:59 +0000

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