I wanted to have the most of Rwanda in as full depth as possible. - TopicsExpress


I wanted to have the most of Rwanda in as full depth as possible. So I decided to hover around Rwanda in a helicopter. See, this tiny country has tried to uplift the common man. You cant find a grass thatched house in Rwanda, even mud and wattle houses are no where to be seen in this country. Rwanda has transformed the lives of its people. I flew over to the border with Congo and you could notice the difference between DRC and Rwanda. Rwanda is very organized. After my helicopter moment that lasted 4 hours, I headed to Nyamitanga by road to join the Rwanda Defence Forces at their training camp. I havent seen an army thats very smart and disciplined like the RDF. But why should this small country beat Uganda? I don’t believe in presidents over staying in power but for the case of Kagame, I wouldnt mind him removing term limits. Yet President Kagame insists that he wont change the constitution. Come 2017 when his term ends, he will leave power and hes continued to emphasize this. I have even forgotten about pot-holes and indisciplined road users in Uganda. Right now as I write this, PK is attending a wedding at my hotel yet theres no big fuss about inconveniencing people. The security is very friendly and respectful. For once, I wouldnt mind shifting permanently to Rwanda, that would add me 10 years to my life. The army even called in worried when we reached the Congo side after Gisenyi asking us to avoid the dangerous zones of the FDLR.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 19:37:11 +0000

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