I wanted to pop a little post up to answer a question I get asked - TopicsExpress


I wanted to pop a little post up to answer a question I get asked a lot. Im not sure why I get asked, because in the grand scheme of things my not-quite-8000 likes is pretty small compared to many pages, but I am flattered none the less that some of you think i have a vague idea of what im doing and how to work this facebook lark ;) So i figured I can at least tell you what I do and dont like when it comes to networking - and you can of course comment underneath and tag your page... but woe betide you if you spam me with a linky! ; ) I get a LOT of people visiting my page and simply leaving a big link to their own business. To me this is akin to Debenhams sticking an ad across the window at John Lewis without asking or paying! When you leave a link to your page (by copying and pasting the web address) it puts a huge picture up, on someone elses timeline, and to do this without asking permission is just plain rude - i respond by simply deleting, im afraid! I also get a lot of messages, either on my timeline or in my inbox saying ive just set up a new page, can you give me a like?. If i can just clarify, because im sure a lot of people feel the same... I like pages I like - I dont do it for networking or marketing or anything else, it comes down to me liking what I see and wanting more of it in my newsfeed. What i DO like however, is when someone sends a polite message, talking about my work, showing they have looked at my page, and being interested in The Fernery. Although i never pass on information about my suppliers and sources I am generally happy to chat : ) I think its perfectly acceptable to do this and mention that you have a page of your own - this is good old fashioned networking! My very modest collection of likers have all arrived here through organic reach alone - I have never paid for facebook advertising, nor have I used and hiking systems. I am friends with a good few likeminded page owners and we do tend to share each others work, likewise if I see something wonderful anywhere on facebook I will share it too. I do have my facebook business page linked to twitter, although I dont use it otherwise, and i use instagram. A lot. So if you want to see pictures of my dog, garden and what I had for lunch amongst the pretty fabric, thats the place to find me! I think it has sent a fair few people my way, and has generated a *few* sales, although im not sure its anything more than a bit of fun with photos for me yet, really. What i also think is acceptable is to tag your business page - by this i mean putting an @ sign in front of it, which makes the lettering turn blue so it can be used as a link to your page, like this: The Fernery - to my knowledge you can only do this from a laptop or PC, at least I cant do it from my phone or ipad... Always, always, first and foremost chat about the page you are visiting. The fact that you have a page yourself is secondary, if the page owner you are speaking to wants to visit, and likes the look of your work then they will no doubt give you a like. Never EVER do the ive liked you so can you like me back? thing... its just not cool. To my mind, subtlety is the key. Like pages you like. Dont like to get your numbers up. Be considerate of other peoples timelines - it is their workplace, not a free advertising site for you to use at your will. At the end of the day, we all want genuine likes, there is no point at all in having 10,000 likers if 9000 of them are there purely so that you like them back! That leaves you with only 1000 potential customers, which is actually not so exciting, is it? The numbers thing is vanity - concentrate on genuine, proper networking, building relationships with likeminded business owners and commenting, liking and sharing work you really and truly love! Lisa xx
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 10:15:38 +0000

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