I was asked a question below, that I did not answer! Bob Sherren - TopicsExpress


I was asked a question below, that I did not answer! Bob Sherren asked if we had plans to have an one year anniversary celebration of Jessies Dream campaign. I am not aware of any celebration plans, although I understand there is a group working on plans for the new Palliative care centre, gardens etc. Tracy Myers could shed some light on that! However, I was just today thinking back to June 3rd last year. That is the day I think Jessie decided to set some goals, and I called Sara Fraser with our ideas. At that point the first few cookbooks were being sold to Dr. Mireille Lecours and some staff at Palliative care. Thinking back has made me realize how many very special people supported this campaign, and how important it is to remember all the amazing folks out there who supported each other to help reach her goals..I could make a list a mile long. It was a time of highs and lows, with Jessie McCrady not surviving to be at our Pink Lawn Party, but she was there in spirit, and the sun did shine down on us that day. What we should celebrate is each other, the goodness in people, the need to help others and support them in their time of need, in whatever way that might be. Thank you all for giving me one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I will never forget it, nor will I forget my dear friend Jessie, and her amazing personality. Our pal Tigger (my horse she adopted) is now enjoying life just outside Toronto, in his new forever home. He is 21yrs old, which is a ripe old age for a horse like him. Finally, a little trivia as I managed to spend about 30 minutes scrolling down to June, 2013, to discover who was the first purchaser of a book on this site!! Someone who became a huge support to Jessies Dream, and while Jessie never got to ride in his pink firetruck, it was a huge part of her plans for the campaign. Thanks to Barry Stewart (and his trusty Pink Firetruck), and the others who were first in line to buy books on this site....Ian Saunders, Doug Ellis, Lois Adams, Pam Matheson, Joy MacDonald, Marsha Doyle, Debbie Silliphant. You are ALL amazing, there are never enough words to thank everyone on Jessies Dream team Judy K. Profitt, Tracy Myers, Kimberley Anne Roberts, Barbara Ettles Carter, and the many others who helped to organize and run the Pink Lawn Party and book sales!. Hope everyone has an awesome summer, and please remember there are still a few books left, at the Palliative Care office on Brighton Road, the Credit Union in Summerside, and the Prince County Hospital gift shop!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 15:27:51 +0000

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