I was asked to share messages from Saturday, that I channeled from - TopicsExpress


I was asked to share messages from Saturday, that I channeled from Bobby to Me. My intent in sharing is to help other Grieving Parents, as well as anyone grieving a loss. At an event Saturday for Grieving Parents, we wrote 3 questions(I did more than 3, LOL) to ask our children. Then we all did a very deep group meditation. After the meditation, still in that meditative state, our minds clear, our children with us, we were to answer the questions we asked our children, to hear them and write(like automatic writing for Me) the answers to our questions from our Children. I am connected to Bobby, so I loved this. I did meet up with Bobby and he answered my questions and then some. After he answered my questions, I kept hearing, Letter, so while everyone was doing their questions, I moved on and tuned into him even more. I felt tingly all over, and I felt him right beside me. I started this letter as Dear Bobby, misunderstanding, and I heard Bobby chuckle and say, Nooo...Dear Mom. So below, here is what he said and my questions I asked and his letter to me and all. One question was personal, but it bothered me, and I needed validation again, so I asked Bobby again. So the questions below are what I had asked Bobby prior to the meditation and Bobbys replies are underneath it. Questions: Are You with me now Bobby, where are You? Mom, I am always with you, I am here. When will I see you fully manifest? When you are ready Mom What am I to learn from this? You need to go on and help other people with me by your side, we are a team. **This one is the personal question, that still bothers me, and I did let it go, but still asked.** Bobby are you upset with me, what I said to you that last night, do you understand why I asked you, why I said it? Mom, no of course not, I am not upset, I love you very much, you need to let it go, you did let it go, now you need to heal from it. Bobby what is your Heaven like? Everything you want it to be Mom, its Beautiful, Serene, Laughter, Compassion and Love! Now...this is when I heard him say, Letter, so I kept going. Dear Bobby, No.....Dear Mom,(Him chuckling and correcting me) Dear Mom, I Love you, I am always with you, our Love is eternal. Please keep going forward with Love, Hope and Faith. Ill be by your side always, we will do this together. We planned it and we will finish it together. Then I will take your hand and take you home with me forever. Im proud of you Mom, keep going, keep helping others. It is all about Love. I Love you Mom, Bobby I was asked to share my letter with the group. After I did, everyone(all grieving parents) were asked to close their eyes as I read the letter again, yet, changed it to, Dear Mom and Dad. I was honored that after the Event, I had many Parents asking me for copies of the letter I channeled from Bobby. I hope two things, One, that it helps you all to know that our Children, our loved ones are with us, and two, you can connect with your children, trust it, believe and have Faith in it. Ive had validations from Bobby that I do hear him, the Woodpecker hugging me when I asked for validation, thinking it was impossible, but where our kids are concerned, nothing is impossible! Also, what I hear from Bobby, was also heard by a Medium, the same messages I was getting at the moment, a few months ago, so I know it was really Bobby. I share this with you all, with true unconditional Love in my Heart and Soul. I hope it helps you to know our kids are still here, their Spirit lives on and they are with us, helping us and guiding us with their Love. God Bless You all. 💚💜❤️💙🙏
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:40:39 +0000

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