I was canning this morning and while I was waiting on the canner - TopicsExpress


I was canning this morning and while I was waiting on the canner to cool down I decided to dig though this old shoe box that belonged to my grandmother (been meaning to do that for a long time). I found several recipes that were cut out of newspapers and written on notepaper. The newspaper cut outs were really old and brown. The paper was pretty brittle. I thought I would share a few with everyone. I retyped the recipes exactly word for word. There was no processing times given for any of them. Ice Box Pickles Wash large cukes, cut in 1/4 inch slices. Pack into jars -- no metal or plastic Mix all together 4 cups sugar 4 cups vinegar 1/2 cup salt 1-1/2 teaspoons, each, celery seed, mustard seed, and turmeric. Stir to dissolve sugar and salt. Pour over cukes. Cover and set in ice box. Keep cool. Ready to eat in a few days. Ice Water Stick Pickles Soak very large cucumbers in ice water or very cold water at least five hours. Cut lengthwise, without peeling, into about five pieces. Pack very closely into quart jars with three stalks of crisp celery and three slices of onion to each jar. Drain off any juice after packing and cover with a solution prepared with the following ingredients: 1 quart vinegar 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup salt 1/4 cup water Boil all ingredients together, pour hot over cucumbers in jars and seal at once. The pickles will be ready in four to five weeks. Tomato Preserves 2 quarts squeezed tomatoes 3 cups sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 lemon 4 tablespoons ginger root Squeeze seeds out of tomatoes and put in large pan. Add sugar and salt on top. Simmer until dissolved, then boil slowly until thickened. Add thinly sliced lemon and ginger pieces and boil 10 minutes. Pour into clean jars and seal. Sweet Tomato Relish 4 cups green tomatoes 1 sweet red pepper 1 green pepper 2 onions 2 or 3 tart apples 2-1/2 cups vinegar 2-1/2 cups sugar 3 teaspoons salt 2 teaspoons mustard seed 2 teaspoons celery seed Grind tomatoes, peppers, onions, and apples and squeeze out excess juice. Mix vinegar, sugar, and seasonings together and add ground mixture. Boil hard 15 minutes. Put into sterilized jars and seal.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 17:08:25 +0000

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