I was criticised a couple of weeks ago for changing my profile - TopicsExpress


I was criticised a couple of weeks ago for changing my profile picture to YES embedded within the saltire, as being overtly nationalist. I have changed it back. I am not a nationalist, I have been a socialist since I was about 12/13 and first understood what being a socialist meant. I am voting YES because it is the only way forward to achieving a more equal and just society in Scotland…and no, I am not being naive about the pervasive nature of advanced global capitalism. I spent a year in the Communist Party of Great Britain in my younger years and got bored of the intellectual masturbation and the request to present papers on Hegels influence on Marx at meetings. Where was the praxis? I knew that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 to protect the revolution was bollocks, despite listening to my trendy left wing Sociology lecturers at Glasgow Tech trying to convince us otherwise. Soviet imperialism has been as destructive as its Western capitalist parent. Along with my wife and friends, I was a founding member of our local CND branch, and f**k me, Alastair Darling was one of our supporters. How power corrupts... I joined the Labour Party in the early Eighties only to realise that hardly anyone in my local constituency party knew what Clause Four was all about and viewed the Militant Tendency as Trotskyist infiltrators…as opposed to those who were trying to restore a core socialist ethos to the party...not that any of them had a clue what Trotsky was all about. Few of them even knew the words to the Internationale at party meetings. When Clause Four was abandoned by New Labour I had enough and left before Bliar and Pa Broon ran the party in to the ground. During that time I was an AUEW(TASS) shop steward, but sorry comrades, you do tremendous work, but further ingratiation in to the status quo of advanced capitalism wasnt really for me…and yes, I made a living working for the Yankee dollar. Inherent contradiction or what? So here we are on the cusp of a new epoch. None of the political parties ultimately have f**k all to do with the referendum on Sep 18th. If there is a YES vote, the SNPs raison dêtre evaporates. If there is a NO vote, Labour are f***ed in Scotland for aligning themselves with the Tories, something many working class Scottish voters will never forget. So its vote YES, get independence then vote for the government we actually want…for the first time since 1707…if its not socialist, then so be it, the people of Scotland will have truly spoken for the first time.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:47:30 +0000

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