I was educated by a friend on Facebook a few months back as to why - TopicsExpress


I was educated by a friend on Facebook a few months back as to why people protest police killing blacks but not black on black crime. Let me try to help people understand the dichotomy. Black on black crime is, by and large, viewed as a poor black people problem. Black people can move out a violent neighborhood and ignore the hundreds of thousands of black people that have been killed by black people because they honestly believe that they can educate and/or work theyre way away from black on black violence. To the contrary, no black person can avoid the police. The police unite all black people - unlike black on black crime - which often divides us and leads to more black on black crime. The final ingredient - state sponsorship. Injuries sponsored and affirmed by the state - the government - are remarkably more noxious than those committed by private citizens. I am disturbed by the lack of an indictment in the Eric Garner case. But I wont stop saying what I believe - black on black crime is the result of historically discriminatory state action. And once we address what makes black on black crime so prevalent in our society - things like discriminatory housing polices and affordable housing - public education funding and early childhood education - jobs - the homicides and prison rates will keep increasing. Because if all police killings stopped tomorrow - wed still be losing tens of thousands of brothers a year. #blacklivesmatter #allblacklivesmatter #nomatterwhothekilleris
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:55:56 +0000

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