I was initially upset by the Supreme Courts Hobby Lobby decision, - TopicsExpress


I was initially upset by the Supreme Courts Hobby Lobby decision, until I remembered something important: I could benefit from this decision. I employ freelancers, and I believe it is absolutely imperative that I make sure the resources I provide are not used for things I find morally reprehensible. So as of now, Shadowrun freelancers, you are not allowed to do any of the following with money from your work: 1) Watch the new Transformers movie. Look, Michael Bay is the devil. You know it and I know it. So no more of your hard-earned and Catalysts hard-paid money can go to supporting him. 2) Attending baseball games other than Cubs games. The Cubs are Gods own team. I know it doesnt always seem like it, but if we look at the way His chosen people fared through much of history, it makes more sense. He is molding the Cubs for something great, and I will not stand for resources being used to support lesser teams. And no sneaky going to Cubs games and rooting for the other team, either. 3) Buying gas for cars that get less than 25 MPG. Taking care of the planet is important, so no more gas guzzling. I dont want to hear about how big your family may be, the expense of hybrids, or other excuses. As we all know, the only time you cant make the right choice now is if you made what I perceive to be a wrong choice in the past, and I am no longer in the business of subsidizing bad choices. More guidelines to follow as I continue to reflect on what is important to me. Please to not distract me with noise about what is important to you.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:04:21 +0000

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