I was invited to attempt at translating a short passage written by - TopicsExpress


I was invited to attempt at translating a short passage written by a Taiwanese columnist - the following is my attempt, followed by the original text:- What is Culture? Take the average person on the street that you would meet - it is in his every action, the knit of his brow, the wrinkle of his smile, his entire demeanour. If he walks under a tree with a low hanging bough, does he reach up to snap the offending branch, or does he casually duck under it? If a mangy mutt strays across his path, does he pity the stray and give it its space, or does he swiftly kick the stray out of his way? As the elevator door opens, does he courteously allow its passengers to alight before boarding it, or brutishly force his way against the alighting passengers to get aboard? Standing beside a Blind person at a cross road, does he lend a fellow pedestrian a hand and guide him across safely when the lights turn green? How does he brush past the other pedestrians as he makes his way? Does he bow his head as he ties the shoelace that has come undone? In what manner does he receive the change from the vegetable vendor at the local market? At a public forum, in a classroom on a TV talk show, where he expounds the importance of Human Rights and the need for Democracy, does he extend these values to his wife and children in the privacy of his own home? Does he recognize the same Humanity and Rights of those he sees as his subservient? When he is alone, does these values, ethics and principles still exist when no one is watching? Does he show the same respect to the natural environment he calls home? Culture realizes itself in how one treats others, how one treats oneself, and how one treats the Natural environment around oneself. In a society steeped in the culture where we are taught to value ourselves - he who do not struggle to put himself ahead of others has Character; where we are taught to respect others - he who does not exploit this advantage is with Morals; where we are taught the value of our Natural resources - he who does not plunder this resource possess the wisdom of sustainable perpetuity. The Dragon responding on The Pedestal. 文化? 它是随便一个人迎面走来, 他的举手投足, 他的一颦一笑, 他的整体气质。 他走过一棵树,树枝低垂, 他是随手把枝折断丢弃, 还是弯身而过? 一只满身是癣的流浪狗走近他, 他是怜悯地避开, 还是一脚踢过去? 电梯门打开,他是谦抑地让人, 还是霸道地把别人挤开? 一个盲人和他并肩路口,绿灯亮了, 他会搀那盲者一把吗? 他与别人如何擦身而过? 他如何低头系上自己松了的鞋带? 他怎么从卖菜的小贩手里接过找来的零钱? 如果他在会议、教室、电视屏幕的公领域里 大谈民主人权和劳工权益, 在自己家的私领域里,他尊重自己的妻子和孩子吗? 他对家里的保姆和工人以礼相待吗? 独处时,他,如何与自己相处?所有的教养、原则、规范,在没人看见的地方,他怎么样? 文化其实体现在一个人如何对待他人、 对待自己、如何对待自己所处的自然环境。 在一个文化厚实深沉的社会里, 人懂得尊重自己——他不苟且,因为不苟且所以有品位; 人懂得尊重别人——他不霸道,因为不霸道所以有道德; 人懂得尊重自然——他不掠夺,因为不掠夺所以有永续的智能。” 龙应台
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 02:45:21 +0000

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