I was lost and needed directions badly, what do I do? That’s - TopicsExpress


I was lost and needed directions badly, what do I do? That’s when short after my panic someone with their dogs came walking by, the pups happily greeted me and as I started to tell him my explanation he stared at me and didn’t say a word. I didn’t really say hello or anything, I guess I just put it on him that I needed help and something from him right away, and that it was his duty to comply and assist, not taking into consideration anything about him or what he was doing. When I stopped yapping and yelping finally in hopes that he would give me advice, he put his hands in the air as if he didn’t know anything of what I had just said, and when he spoke I knew right away “I’m deaf”. He seemed embarrassed, but why? We were about the same age. I wonder if he had been bullied a lot by other kids growing up? Is that the world we live in, that he was made to feel ashamed for something he had no control over or because of who he was, that because he couldn’t hear himself talk or what he sounded like that deep down society allowed this person to have feelings stacked up until they felt full of belittling insecurity, making him question whether or not he was being judged when he spoke, or just in general. I felt bad at first, then I felt weird for feeling bad, did that make me judgmental? Now I’m confused, it’s getting awkward, I don’t know what to say and I dragged him here in the first place. He smiled, he pointed me in the right direction, as any normal person would see, I was distressed and lost, he knew that, I didn’t have to explain, and it didn’t matter how he talked, he didn’t say anything else and pointed me in the right direction, “Thank you I cried!”, looking that way. I turned back; he hadn’t seen my lips move because I wasn’t looking at him when I talked, so he didn’t hear me. I turned facing forward towards him, stuck out my arm, and then with the other took his and placed our hands together in a proper formal handshake short of way, my other hand over his, we shook hands, facing him so he could see, slowly but not to be taken as condescending, I gratefully with full appreciation for his time said “thank you”. What a smile he had! Beautiful
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 14:13:21 +0000

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