I was recently accused of hating God. I thought the accusation was - TopicsExpress


I was recently accused of hating God. I thought the accusation was odd, since I cant hate someone I dont think exists. But, of course I was falling into the constant nerd flaw of being too literal. God is a metonym for religion. Do I hate religion? I want to say no because I want to be respectful to my many friends who take solace in it, who find it an important part of their life and who use it as a moral compass. Actually I constantly use it as a compass and even use WWJD sometimes as a litmus test for my decisions. And Jesus was religiously Jewish. I hate that religion is used to justify violence, especially since virtually all religions denounce violence. I hate that religion makes people feel guilty for things that are not harmful. I hate that many religious people hate me and my lack of belief in their god, or think that atheists are immoral for not needing or wanting an angry god to keep us honest or moral. I hate that religiousness is assumed. I hate that if I go to a church wedding Im expected to kneel to their god. I hate that most charitable organizations are religiously-based, despite so many of their volunteers and contributors not being believers. I hate that this fact is lorded over me, despite the fact that I work with a non-religious relief group. I hate that in order to officiate for weddings as a regular citizen I was required to be affiliated with a church. I hate that its expected that I will swear on a bible on court, and the loss of standing that occurs when I decline. I hate that our money says in God we trust and that, despite the 1st Amendment staring off with the phrase Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion there is prayer at government meetings and constant attempts to legislate based on establishing Christianity or religiosity as the basis of American law. Mostly I hate the hypocrisy that pervades all human endeavors, but especially religion. And I dont actually hate anything, even God. But he does annoy me regularly. https://m.youtube/watch?v=ciwYJQY1TMo
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:49:39 +0000

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