I was tagged by Kirby Bruzek to create a list of ten books that - TopicsExpress


I was tagged by Kirby Bruzek to create a list of ten books that have stayed with me or informed me in some way. Please know that I read a WIDE variety of material, from total fluff (thank goodness for the Kindle so no one sees the cover) to actual literature...in no particular order- although as I write this list I see quite a few have been turned into movies, which is accidental on my part, I read the book first: 1. The Bible - yep, actually plowed through it cover to cover (OK, some skimming) and although the Chronicles are bit of a snooze, its on my nightstand and a source of reference and comfort often.Try it, youll like it. 2. Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell - I was young when I read this and was quite proud as it was so lengthy! When I was younger I totally wanted the big hoop skirt dress lifestyle, now I realize it was probably a nightmare. 3. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - another lengthy one, skimmed some of the longer monologues but definitely thought provoking.( Who is John Galt?) 4. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. So inspiring, I should never whine about any of my problems again. 5. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon... Scotland, hero in kilt, epic love story. enough said. Now a series this fall on Starz. 6. The Thirteenth Tale - by Diane Setterfield. Beautifully written fiction. All of my book clubs have loved this one. 7. The Worst Hard Time - by Timothy Egan About those who survived the dust bowl and what that life was like.... 8. David & Goliath: Underdogs. Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants by Malcolm Gladwell - we want the BEST for our kids, right? or do we? very thought provoking; glad I followed a friends recommendation to read. 9. Pillars of the Earth (and World without End) by Ken Follett I love the story interwoven with the cathedral construction.. 10. Orphan Train by Christina Kline. Recently read, well written and fascinating subject matter... This exercise was quite a walk down memory lane - and now Id love to see what some of my fellow book club girls say: Shelley Taylor Kate Horne Rutledge Jennifer Nowak Kohl Amy Selle
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:23:32 +0000

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