I was talking to one of our younger business builders the other - TopicsExpress


I was talking to one of our younger business builders the other day about growing their business. They were excited about their future and what they could become in the process of building this business ( first cornerstone of success needed HOPE ). They went onto say some of their family and friends were discouraging or unsupportive of them continuing on or building the business ( 2nd cornerstone of success needed BELIEF ) . They went onto say they went ahead and did it anyway and was beginning to have some success ( The final cornerstone of success needed ACTION ) . I shared with this young business builder that these discouragements from the people closest to them is sometimes their defense mechanism to somehow protect you based on their vision of what they think life should look like. Frankly I said look around you, do you see more people succeeding in life or living a life of at best mediocracy or worse? Its ok to take a different path than most because most dont realize they are on the wrong path. My belief is if one person has succeeded at what you are attempting let alone many, you can too. If you are willing to at least pay the same price or more to achieve it. We will cross paths with disappointment, discouragement and yes some failure. Anything in life thats worth having or getting has these same elements as part of the path to achievement. I say if you are facing these elements now you are on the right path to high level achievement . I will see you along the way :-)
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 18:01:50 +0000

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