I was told last night that: your faith is unreasonable, by a - TopicsExpress


I was told last night that: your faith is unreasonable, by a friend who doesnt understand my faith is truly all that I have. I get it, I really do. Interestingly enough, this conversation was exactly what I needed as right now, my faiths being tested in ways I honestly dont believe Im strong enough to handle. I can absolutely say that I am broken & hope currently seems like an illusion, a dirty 4 letter word. I woke up this morning fearing the energy, strength & grace I need to just survive the day ahead, much less enjoy or conquer it, was unattainable. Like maybe today would bring me to the moment Id crack, permanently. Then, without even realizing it, I found myself humming this song. I recall the 1st time I heard it. How my tears started falling without my permission, how something started stirring within my spirit & how the lyrics touched my very depths, reminding me just how much I believed, just how close He is. To some, music is simply entertainment. Lyrics simply an art form. For me, music is a gift. A lifeline. A passion. At times, a gateway between my spirit & my makers presence, which ultimately leads me to believe that this song was meant for me. To remind me I am not alone & to encourage me hope is more than just an illusion. So yes, my faith is most definitely unreasonable. Sometimes you just have to remember what Hes already done. Proclaim it. Tell yourself every moment you do believe, then find the strength youve already been given inside you & hold on. I know so many who are also hurting. Theres so much on your plate you also feel like theres no hope. Remember, #eventhough you are never alone. He is there. You never said it would be easy, but You said Youd see me through the storm. #HeWillCarryMe #beblessed #IBELIEVE #repeat
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:30:33 +0000

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