I was trying to gather my thoughts together at the end of this - TopicsExpress


I was trying to gather my thoughts together at the end of this year, and the thing that keeps jumping out at me is the fact that, for my generation, this really is our last stand. Oh yes, we were the Hippies, the protesters, the people who marched for civil rights and women’s liberation and equality and love. And then…we got quiet. We had kids, we built businesses and pursued careers, our kids had kids, we trimmed our lawns, and bought new cars and got a dog and went to work and to church (sometimes) and voted our conscience, but we were quiet. Very, very quiet. No more. Tomorrow still belongs to us and if we do not raise our voices in protest, then there may be no tomorrow for the ones we love. Actually, I believe we are standing at a point in history where, should we not raise our voices now, the things we cared so passionately about when we were young will fade from the horizon, and if that happens, I for one will be very, very sad—not even for the fact that a legacy will be lost, but for the fact that our children’s children will have no idea what our America was all about. So enjoy tomorrow—the food, the football, the camaraderie, but on January 2, I ask you to commit to spending this year raising the awareness of what is wrong with this country and what we need to fix. Remember those John Birch Society guys we made fun of? Well, they did not rest. They have infiltrated our government at all levels, have undermined education, want to get those uppity women back to being barefoot and pregnant and silent, and want every single person who is a minority to assume a subservient position. They want you poor and sick and dumb, because then they get to be in charge. And they will tell you God is on their side. Yeah, well, not my God. Hell no! Do not let the younger generation fight this fight alone. Support them with blood, sweat and tears, and money if you have it to spare. Write to your congressman. Sign petitions. Post information on your homepage. Become part of your electoral process. Support your local elections (it is the school board who will determine what our children learn). Stand up and be heard like you once did. Let the world know that we will not go quietly into this goodnight. And that is what I charge you with in this New Year. Be brave. Be strong. Be young again. Remember that those beliefs you had so long ago are still true today. We lost John and Bobby, we lost Martin--you are all we have left. Happy New Year.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:41:29 +0000

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