I was very busy today but did work on the Community Christmas Tree - TopicsExpress


I was very busy today but did work on the Community Christmas Tree and I have learned more. I have the support of the Moorefield Lions Club and the Hardy County Historical Society. I have not talked to the Hardy County Chamber but I plan to. I spoke to Rick at the Town office and learned that the entire parking lot next to the McMetchen Property is owned by the RDA. There are no meetings of the Council in the near future but he thinks the Town will approve our proposal and he was to contact them and get back to me. I called Mallie director of RDA and she is out of town today and I hope to hear from her tomorrow. We need RDA to approve putting a Christmas Tree on the corner of the lot next to Main Street we likely need electric from the McMetchen building. I spoke to Dr. Riggleman and he has a large pine tree at least twenty feet tall that he will donate if we cut it and move it. I do not think that will be a problem. We need to move it and set it up and need lights, extension cord and decorations. I would hope some locals would help decorate it and I think it would be nice to use our skills and make some homemade ones that reflect out community . I have a vision of a very beautiful Christmas tree well lit with various colored lights setting at the corner with the big parking lot and the old brick side of the McMetchen building in the background and as we enter the area we have old time street lights and the Mullin Hotel and old South Branch Bank Building and Library at the center of our quaint little town. Oh, I envision a special Christmas with the overhead Christmas decorations along our streets and the town plans a special event on Saturday December 7th with a parade and Santa Clause at the Town Park and the children coming back to the Mullin Hotel and building a fire in a fire pit on the new Patio at the Hotel and roasting marshmallows and Morses and sipping on hot chocolate. Maybe this could be the beginning of revitalizing our downtown. The Chamber is working with WVU to help revitalize our town. All of this is coming together. Lets get rid of the overhead electric lines and lets work towards getting our streets bricked and close the area to traffic with a bypass around our town and get the big trucks that go to our plants coming in from across the river with a new bridge to the plant. I just received a text from Mallie so it looks like it will happen. :} I knew it would . I am a positive thinker and I dont give up. Those of you who want to help this become a reality, let me know we may need some help.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:20:07 +0000

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