I was watching the news this morning {SUNDAY ] and was turned - TopicsExpress


I was watching the news this morning {SUNDAY ] and was turned damned mad in a very quick manner after hearing the usual communist Muslim side trick to by pass congress and screw the American citizens. Number one , why is the Homeland Security Department sand I am addressing all the members, allowing this communist slug in the white house to enforce or not enforce with his Court Jester Holder any laws they dis like to be changed without the congress who are the only ones with that authority. Where are our elected representives who are to see that illegal actions such as this never happens and have failed to file impeachment charges against some one who every person in this country except the communists can see who i has an agenda to destroy our country as we know it. The democats Dear Leader has came up with another plan besides the joke and illegal so called health care plan tto try [ which will never happen if the true americans stand up and be counted ]to force through a plan called immigration reform, which is no more than wealth distribution and more democrate votes along with the Dear Leaders unions who plan on more members and more dues to support the democrat or communist, whichever you want to call them additional fund the election of more useless democrats who will hand out all the free bees they can to get control of our government and turn it into a third world brown country which will be placed in a decades long bankrupt conditioin until we finally get this communiust crew out of the white house, congress and senate. Now, lets talk about the Obama care so called affordable health care plan. The present law states no illegal alien is entitled to health care. Well once again the Dear Leader has slipped in a little trick to get those illegals health care and that is this, and illegal will maybe denied health care but can still go to the emergency room with the tax payers covering the costs, because the Dear Leader wont enforce the immigration law which is an impeachable offense. Here is the way they get around the health care provisions, any person living in this country is a legal resident not a citizen but living with anyone who is a citizen, like a babyt who was brought accros the border illegally and unlawfully noted as an american citizen may be allowed to be provided health benifits paid for by the taxpayers. Why do you think the Dear Leader is pushing an immigration reform law, this will give him his numbers in sign ups who cant afford the insurance and again will be paid for by us the taxpayers. This is the biggest wealth distribution scam in history and if this communist incompetent and his communist administration are allowed to pull it off we as a nation may be just history. Along with this clowns agenda we have a congress [especially the black and hispanic caucus ] loaded with communists. These causcus groups must be eliminated and those individuals made to represent those who elected them and not serve as a block to our operation of an american government. I address this information to the Homeland Security Department who has no Secretary and the one being nominated by the Dear Leader is a farce, and all of our elected law makers who should be taking action to stop this destruction of our nation. Its all on your shoulders and I hate to saay so but if action isnt taken and soon the people themselves may take it into their own hands to stop this communist take over.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 14:23:26 +0000

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