I will Add One More Thing O-Israel What is Israel trying to - TopicsExpress


I will Add One More Thing O-Israel What is Israel trying to Achieve? Why do they Need to do what they are Doing? We Have to Take A Nearly 2000 year trip back into History First Before I lay it all out for you, So please be patient and please keep an open mind. in 66-70A.D. The Roman Army Leveled Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple (which is the Hub of Jewish Religion) scattering the Jewish People across the European continent, Asia minor and Africa as well as outlying Areas in the surrounding Desert’s. The Jewish Temple with the Holy of Holies inside IS THE CENTER OF JEWISH RELIGION it is where they Believe GOD Resides and Where according to their Torah and Long held Traditions- for the forgiveness of personal sins and the Sins as a whole for the Whole 12/13 tribes of Israel. How Does Israel gain Forgiveness of Sins from God? Israel Performs Ritualistic ANIMAL BLOOD SACRIFICE’S according to their Holy Laws and Customs and the Only way for that to Occur is to Have a Central Temple Located in a Place set Forth by God. Where is this Place? God said: where Abraham was to Offer up His Son for Sacrifice atop a Mountain plateau on a Rock where modern day Jerusalem Sits and Where the Muslims Second Holiest Worship Site is… the glittering gold adorned DOME OF THE ROCK-Mosque of OMAR! Well People- that creates a dilemma! You see, about the 4th century the Muslims came in and created order out of chaos with the Turks telling everyone to get along or else! The Vatican/Rome had another Idea and the Crusades were born. Christians in their Zeal to Bring upon the Return of their Sacrificed King horridly ushered along war after war with the Turks and other Muslim Countries trying to Reestablish Israel and in return… the return of their Messiah thinking they were doing Gods will and work They forgot one important fact… that ONLY MESSIAH is to Reestablish Israel, and in the End, the Antichrist/beast/false prophets and his Minions were to Help reestablish Israel in a constant time of trouble then ultimately take over the rebuilt Modern Jewish temple and call himself God of this world! So where does that leave us? [1]For Nearly 2000 years Israel has not had forgiveness of their Sins as a tribe [2] Israel needs a Temple for Sacrifice [3] Israel Needs the Temple to be in a very specific place [4] Islam’s Omar MOSQUE is now standing where the Jewish Temple needs to be. Q?:How do you Build a Temple on Land Occupied by Others? A:Take/Steal the Land occupied by others In 1917 the declaration of Balfour was drafted and circulated by the Rothschild’s “His Majestys government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.” that was the start of all of this Modern Mess that was the start of WWII and most of what ails this world Today…for religious leaders of the Judeo/Christian sects have taken upon themselves to reestablish Israel under the Banner of Peace when it is being reestablished by War and the Blood of Innocents…on the backs of children! The book of ‘SEH-fehr ah-MOHS’ (book of Amos old Testament chapter 5 ) in the Torah is clear about the end times and a Israel Gone Mad. ALL OF WHAT I WRITE IS CRAP IF YASHUA/CHRIST/JESUS Never Came or was not the Son of God/God in the Flesh!!! ADD EMPHASIS! BUT IF CHRIST IS GOD…then this is pure Truth. The first Go around Christ was the Lamb Crucified for the Worlds Salvation/Forgiveness of Sins- The Jewish Leaders of that Time had him Crucified by Roman Dictate because he said he was God/the Son of God and he did not meet the Religious Leaders expectations as the Messiah! -they wanted and expected a military Leader who was going to Kick some proverbial ass! Instead they got a Hippy who Preached LOVE AND MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad for them they did not recognize their King they denied their King They Killed Their King!!! Their Blessing Passed on to the Gentiles and a curse was put upon the House of Israel when Yashua uttered these words: Mathew 24 vs 2 “Do you see all these things? he asked. I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; everyone will be thrown down. Mathew Chap 24 was is very clear about what was to take place…Christ Crucified, the curtain in the Holy of Holies Rent apart, the Temple Leveled by Rome- 33 years after Christ Crucifixion, all came to pass! so where does that leave us [1] Israel Forsake their King and accompanying blessings [2] Israel cast to the four corners of the Earth [3] Israel Does not Recognize Christ as Messiah [4] Israel calls all who follow Christ devils and madmen and consider Christ the Devil [5] Israel is still waiting for the Messiah [6] Israel still thinks it is under Old Jewish ways customs and Rituals [7] Israel still thinks it needs to do sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins [8] Israel has not had a Temple to do Sacrifice in nearly 2000 Years [9] Israel thinks its Sins as a Tribe are Unforgiven [10] Israel needs to rebuild their Temple for the forgiveness of their tribes Sins because they do not and Refuse to Recognize the True Messiah who has already Come in the Flesh. The whole World Banking System and world System is set up to foster this outcome (the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple)… The only thing in the way were several million Palestinians the Nation of Islam and the Omar Temple/Dome of the Rock Standing Proudly on the Temple Mount to this day…But not for much Longer. You see the USA has helped Israel Systematically Dismantle Islam and surrounding enemies from the Middle east area by selling them all modern Weaponry and then pitting them against eachother and when that was not moving along fast enough we Invaded Sovereign Nations wiping out millions over the last 7 decades (67 years) in the name of Spreading Democracy and Peace… yes almost 70 years since the United Nation gave Israel the Right to Exist… 70 years is in 2017!... God works in numbers. so what am I saying? I am Saying Israel you are a Petulant Child Headstrong Foolish and Mean Spirited your Light has Gone out you are run By Madmen and Devils the Love of God has Evaded You God’s blessings have evaded you. You have terrorized the world in the Quest to rebuild your Bloody Temple! The world weeps because of your behavior and You Christians Who Support any of this are Lost Sheep as Well! You are blinded by the world and its ways…FOR CHRIST SAID “I Desire MERCY! Not SACRIFICE!(Mathew 9:13 – 12:7 and Old testament Hosea 6:6) Hear This Oh Israel!!! God will Not Recognize any of your Sacrifice it is an affront and offensive to God for You are Saying that Yashua’s (Christ’s Aramaic name) Blood was not the Good and Perfect Sacrifice…You Crucify Him All over Again! IT WAS FINISHED ALMOST 2000 years AGO! Let It GO! TO FELLOW CHRISTIAN’S: you crucify Christ again and again by going along and supporting a Insane Possessed Israel! It is the Devils Work! You Have Been Duped! Tricked! Scammed! YOU Who Promoted PreTribulation Rapture are Liars! You have Misled Millions of People! You Desire the Day of The Lord? reread your Bible please- (Amos 5:18-24) Woe to you who long for the day of the LORD! Why do you long for the day of the LORD? That day will be darkness, not light. 19 It will be as though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake bite him. 20 Will not the day of the LORD be darkness, not light— pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness? 21 “I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me. 22 Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. 23 Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. 24 But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream! YOU ARE HEREBY WARNED! The Season is at Hand The Bridegroom Approaches fill your Lamps with Oil the wedding feast is near, do not be found wanting! Mercy! Mercy! Mercy! Not Sacrifice. YOU WILL KNOW THEM BY THEIR LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER… Aloha
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:49:50 +0000

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