I will never forget, how I felt when I saw the towers burning and - TopicsExpress


I will never forget, how I felt when I saw the towers burning and subsequently falling in a small TV at school 13 years ago today, On that day I knew that I would dedicate my live to serving my people, to prevent another 9/11 from happening, all I could think at that short age was how would the kids my age would be feeling when they came home and their parents where gone, that stayed with me still today. 9/11 brought us to our knees but we stood up and America became stronger, we became the newest greatest generation, I say this because all of us who have served since 9/11 we werent drafted or mandated we all volunteered to serve in time of war many paid the ultimate sacrifice, many served from the sidelines in the end we all gave some and some gave all in the defense of this great nation. May God always bless all the family members of those lost on 9/11 and those lost on subsequent years in the Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. May God Bless all those who have served since and May God Always Bless the United States of America; The Land of The Free; Because of the Brave.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 16:52:28 +0000

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