I woke up the next day, my body was tired Thank God i wasnt going - TopicsExpress


I woke up the next day, my body was tired Thank God i wasnt going to school. I was still thinking ngoNkosi, who wouldnt think of their man isesbhedlele. The time was 5:45, i packed a few of my clothes, 2 track suits and jeans and tops. I had some clothes eVangate which was better. I went to wash, ndanxiba i uniform, packed my toiletry. I took my week allowance , said my goodbyes and left. I looked like shit, eyes were puffy and i had bags underneath my eyes from the crying. As i walked to the bus stop Viwe called.. Me: hello. Viwe: hey, uphi? Me: going to the bus stop. Viwe: ohk fine ndiyeza ke. I nodded and dropped the phone. Viwe called again. Me: hmm?.. Viwe: you didnt answer me Vuyo. Me: haibo :o :o i did. I said ok. Viwe: be safe. Heee what was i? 5 years? Mxm zandidikiwe ngoViwe ngoku, they acted as i was crazy or something. I got eBus stop, Amanda and Avu were there. Kudala bachomana so i didnt expect Amanda to choose sides and besides we not good friends like they are with Avu. I totally watched whatever i said to Amanda. I didnt stand with them, i stood seperately. I wasnt in the modd for idrama- nyana ka Avu. Amanda came to me ngespeed, she hugged me and i was really confused. Me: Amanda, whats up? She still hugged me. Amanda: Nkosis mom told my mom about Nkosi. Im so sorry.. I wasnt going to cry, i dont wana cry but zahla inyembezi. Ibingeka ngeni ntuu kum lento kaNkosi, i cried. Amanda: im praying for him. Me: thanx. She let go and i wiped my tears off. Avu came to us -_- , uyazithanda nezinto kelo. Im sure her friend Amanda told her about Nkosi. Avu: yintoni ngani ngoku? Theni unje Vuyo did Viwe keep you up all night? #disguisted. Amanda: Avu :o :o . She shook her head. Avu: ebehambe noViwe mos izolo. I wonder uNkosi uzothini xa eva lomamekhaya is not all that, uloose. I didnt wana answer her, u wasnt in the mood for her shit. I wanted to beat the shit out of her but Nkosi was in hospital i couldnt act crazy. I had to save my enegry for better things. Amanda: your insensitive Avumile, uNkosi is in Hospital wena ulapha fighting with Vuyo. Your crazy! Lomona wakho uphambeneyo uzophela nini? #sheRoared. I was suprised by her nam. Avus jar dropped. Avu: i didnt know :o :o , what happened. Amanda: mxm.. My phone rang, it was Viwe calling. Viwe: Turn around. I turned without hanging up. I saw his car. Me: Amanda i have to go nhe. She nodded and we hugged. I walked to Viwes car ndangena. Me: hi. Viwe; hey, you look, uhmm.. He was looking at me, i know bendimbi mos, i surely didnt need his reminder. Me: i know ndimbi, say it. Viwe: i was gonna say, you look as if you didnt sleep a wink. Me; well i did sleep wethu, after all that cryi-.. Unjani uNkosi? Has there been change? He shook his head. Viwe: im afraid not. I nodded, i wanted to cry. Why isnt he getting better na? Viwe: but um sure its a good sign. Me: njani Viwe? How is him not getting better a good sign? Viwe: his not getting worse moc. Me: oh. Viwe: you have to be positive. Lanto yayizolo , you walking infront of that car. Wher you, you know .. Was i what trying to kill myself? Me: say it Viwe! Viwe: where you trying to kill yourself? Me: ofcourse not!. Khohambe futhi. Viwe: excuse me? Me: drive! OoAvu bebejongile and i raised my voice. Ebendicapukisa, he made me feel like i was suicidal. Cant a person make mistakes na? I was still shocked yilento. We drove to Nkosis house, he parked and i got off. Viwe: ndiyeza ndiyokuthengela into yokutya. I just nodded, there was no use fighting him. I unlocked the gate, ndangena and he drove away. I got inside the house and stood by the door for a while. It felt as if he was going to appear through the passage and say i was having a nightmare but nothing happened and he didnt appear. I made my way to the bedroom, i looked at the pics on the wall and i threw myself ontop of the bed, taking his shirt. The one he wore on his birthday, i smelled his scent and started crying.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 09:10:45 +0000

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