IDENTITY Who am I? Am I this physical body that will vanish from - TopicsExpress


IDENTITY Who am I? Am I this physical body that will vanish from the face of this earth the day I stop breathing? The body whose remains will be disposed off either by burial or dumped into the hot furnace of a crematorium? Or am I just a memory or a thought that will remain in the hearts of my friend, loved ones and my enemies till their body also meets the same fate as mine? The very thought of death and complete annihilation worried me many a times. But there was always a part of me , somewhere deep within that made me feel that I was immortal. That, I would always live, if not in this form then in some other form. If not in this world then in some other world. It was a feeling then. But it is a belief now. Now I know I am not this body that feels the emotions, that feels the pain, that feels the pleasure , that fights for its right, that fights for power. I am not this body that houses a physical mind which is manipulative and selfish. The mind that makes me feel powerful when I win an argument or make someone feel inferior to me. I now know that my physical mind is my biggest enemy. When I was a child my physical mind had no control over me. Those were the happy, blissful days devoid of emotional pain, jealousy, hatred. I was always satisfied with whatever I had. My mother’s voice, her touch, a small cuddle were my most precious possessions. There was no expectation, no ambition. Love flowed in abundance from my heart and I only received love in return. As I grew I started identifying myself with my physical body and most importantly my physical mind. My physical mind taught me to expect. My mind taught me to feel anger, pain and hatred when my expectations were not met. And with each passing year anger, pain, jealousy , hatred took me further and further away from the loving heart that had given me the bliss and happiness of infanthood. Now that I know who my biggest enemy is, my struggle to overpower it has started. The task is very difficult but not impossible. I know my eternal soul will win over it one day. The soul, that is my real identity has been ignored for so long that it has buried itself deep into a corner of my being. Under the influence of my physical mind I ignored its guidance; I ignored its warnings and invited more and more pain into my life and into the lives of people around me. My journey to selvage my soul may take years or may be many lives but I am happy that I have started off on the journey to look out for my true identity. The identity that would make me a loving being, a being who would find satisfaction and happiness always. The identity of love. The identity that would only give out love and nothing else. I know, when my journey ends I will find myself surrounded by loving hearts that only believe in love. The hearts, that identify themselves with their soul. The hearts , that have broken the shackles of their physical mind. That will be the day when we all will reach out in unison to show everyone else who they really are. Their true identity of a loving, peaceful, divine being. With lots of love to all my friends , well wishers and individuals who believe that they have an identity bigger than their physical body. -PrIti Venkatesan (The thoughts that entered my mind during meditation on 17/08/2013) .
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 09:10:46 +0000

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