IF YOU WANT A LEANER, FITTER BODY - YOU HAVE TO MAKE CHANGES! The body reacts and adapts to stimuli. This applies on all levels. Those that use heavy weights in the gym, will get more “toned” because they are stimulating their muscles by making them work harder. For them to increase their muscle mass, they have to lift heavier and heavier. People who train the same way – day in, day out will initially see improvements but the body will plateau after a few short months because it has adapted to the new stimuli and nothing new has been added. If you’ve been putting on weight, it’s because your body’s stimuli have changed. This can happen for a number of reasons – if you’re menopausal and saying “oh but I’m just eating as I’ve always done” – you need to be aware that there are hormonal stimuli affecting your body. Obviously, the same rules apply for pregnant and breastfeeding mums. The same applies if you’ve changed to a sedentary job – the stimuli have changed. The conditions under which your body is operating have changed! The body however, is very forgiving and will react to changes in stimuli. This is why we keep changing the routines and timetable in the studio. For example, if you are a “Monday, Wednesday, Friday” trainer, we need to be changing the stimuli on a regular basis for your fitness to improve. There’s also the psychological aspect of change – it’s well proven that if you are given the same program, over and over and over again, you will get bored with your training eventually. So, we’re doing our best to provide you with positive physical stimuli to effect change. Training however, is only one part of the equation. “Fuelling” is the other. That part is up to you. We can advise, analyse, cajole and berate you for your fuel choices, but we can’t be there at that moment when you make that decision about what goes in your mouth – what you choose to fuel your body with. THAT IS UP TO YOU! MAKE SOME CHANGES AND YOU’LL SEE CHANGES!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 20:42:02 +0000

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