IMPORTANT: CURRENT EXTREME RAID ABORTED, DONT SPEND ANY MORE ENERGY ON IT! We made it through 4 Extreme raids, and that was pretty impressive, but this 5th one has kicked our butt. Based on what we know, this timer is a permanent change and its more than this troop can work around. Just not enough flexibility in a lot of peoples teams to handle, and thats just how it goes. They call it Extreme for a reason. We gave it about 2 hours out of the 8 and we were less than 20% through. To be on track to finish, we should have been at least within throwing distance of 36%, but we were less than half there. Plan is to let clock run out then fill boss again. What we do at that point will depend upon the admins and your feedback to the question posted very near this post. PLEASE answer it so we can make an informed choice regarding the troops wishes. EDIT: And just so people keep it in mind, if there is going to be another raid, it will happen at the 10AM GMT slot about 10 hours from now at earliest. No need to fear a 4AM one because, ha, this raid will still be technically going.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 00:02:46 +0000

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