IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT TONIGHT! Hey Hey!!! Its..... Stocking Night! Woooooo! The listings are currently going up and it is our BIGGEST stocking to date! There are a few things, though, that you should know: 1. Location: hyenacart/stores/Maplebeandiapers/ 2. Style: the regular style, free-for all (10 minute hold). 3. Exception 1: Captcha is in effect. To help prevent oversells and system crashing, weve turned on the Human Check option (yes, we know its a pain in the butt, but we had to. Sorry :( ) 4. Exception 2: Oversells will be refunded. When we tried to make all of the oversells for everyone, it really messed things up in the production room, which meant that the delays were further compounded. Our goal is to refund every order that is oversold by 10:00 pm EDT. A post will be made once all oversells have been credited back. With any luck, there wont be any :) 5. Shipping: All of the diapers that have been listed tonight have been embroidered but are currently IN PRODUCTION. They are not ready to ship just yet, but will be soon. We GUARANTEE that they will be shipped by September 14, 2014, along with EVERY SINGLE ORDER that has EVER been ordered. It is quite possible that they will all ship even sooner than that. As stated previously, all orders before tonight will be ready to ship by September 1. If you place an order tonight and you already have an order that is pending, we will AUTOMATICALLY combine the shipping and your entire order will be held to ship when the entire order is complete. If, however, you would like to break up the shipping so that it ships out in two shipments, please send an email to shipping@maplebeandiapers and I will make the adjustment. 6. Shipping Refunds: Many customers have already received partial shipping refunds and they will continue to go out. Every time I ship something going forward, a refund will be processed right away if required, without the need to ask for it :) 7. The Last: This is it. After tonight, we will never, ever, again do any pre-order stockings again. Ever. They take up a lot of time, there are lots of things to track, and as we have seen, things can (and will) go wrong, causing a delay. If a delay happens before something is listed, thats not nearly as bad as having it happen after something has been listed. After tonight, we will never have to deal with that again (with the exception of customs, but thats a bit different... more details on that soon). 8. Next Stocking: The next stocking will consist of in-stock, ready to ship diapers, as will every stocking after it. We dont know the date of the next stocking, but we can assure you that EVERY SINGLE order will be shipped before the next stocking. So the pressure is on to get every order out ASAP. Who knows... maybe the next stocking will be on a brand new site! 9. Changes After Tonight: Going forward, in an effort to get more diapers into more hands. There will be larger quantities of every diaper, though a few less styles each stocking (for now). This will enable us to greatly increase our production, which will allow us to increase capital that will be spent on more equipment so that we can increase the number of styles at each stocking :) And because of this change, we will also be adding a lot more Bitty Beans into the stockings. They will match the one size diapers that are stocking in that same week, as it means that we dont have to change the thread colours on the machine, just hoop up smaller cuts and change the file :) Have fun out there tonight everyone! And remember... no stocking next week! Mike
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:51:15 +0000

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