IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER REMEMBER – YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT TO CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBT IS NOT JUST MYSTERIOUSLY GOING TO DISSAPEAR, YOUR CREDITORS NEED TO GET PAID, OUR AIM IS TO MAKE IT EASIER ON YOU BUT IT STARTS WITH YOU AND IT STARTS NOW. LETS NOT WAIT UNTIL ALL THE INTEREST UPON INTEREST UPON LEGAL COSTS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO A DEBT WHICH KEEPS ON GROWING AND YOU KEEP ON SINKING. LET’S STOP IT RIGHT HERE AND NOW..... • THE PROCESS STARTS AFTER WE RECEIVE THE FIRST PAYMENT WHICH COVERS OUR FEES AND COSTS. WE WILL NOT CONTACT THE CREDITORS AND HAVE THE AGREEMENT/S ENFORCED UNTIL DOING SO • REMEMBER TO USE AN ACCOUNT THAT DOES NOT HAVE ANY DEBIT ORDERS RUNNING THROUGH IT TO DO OUR MONTHLY DEBIT ORDER AND HAVE YOUR SALARY PAID INTO THAT ACCOUNT. • YOU CAN USE YOUR EXISTING ACCOUNT IF YOU WISH BUT PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT IF THERE ARE ANY DEBIT ORDERS ON IT YOU WILL LAND UP HAVING PAID THE SAME CREDITOR TWICE. YOU COULD ARRANGE FOR THAT PARTICULAR DEBIT ORDER TO BE STOPPED OR ASK THE BANK TO HAVE IT REVERSED SHOULD IT GO OFF. • A MANUAL PAYMENT CAN BE MADE SHOULD YOU BE TOO LATE TO HAVE IT IMPLEMENTED AT YOUR BANK IN TIME TO GO OFF THIS MONTH. KINDLY USE THE DETAILS ON THE STOP ORDER FORM • SHOULD A MANUAL PAYMENT BE MADE THE FIRST MONTH , KINDLY FAX THE DEPOSIT SLIP TO 086 5487953 • REMEMBER, WE LIASE WITH THE VARIOUS HEAD OFFICES OF YOUR CREDITORS AND IT MAY AT TIMES ARISE THAT SOMEONE FROM ONE OF THEIR CALL CENTRES CALLS YOU TO ENQUIRE ABOUT A PAYMENT (AFTER WE RECEIVE OUR FIRST PAYMENT) KINDLY GIVE THEM THE DETAILS ZUBEIDA 0812617320 OR TAKE DOWN THEIR DETAILS AND GIVE IT TO ZUBEIDA SO THAT SHE MAY TAKE CARE OF IT FOR YOU. IN MANY CASES THE CALL CENTRE PERSON IS CALLING FROM A DATABASE AND IS UNAWARE OF WHAT IS HAPPENING DUE TO COMPANIES WORKING DIFFERENTLY IN FILTERING THE INFORMATION THROUGH TO THE PERSON CALLING • PLEASE FAX THE COMPLETED AND SIGNED CONTRACT TO 086 5487953 OR ALTERNATIVELY EMAIL IT TO admin@shuniafinance • REMEMBER THAT AT A LATER STAGE ONCE YOUR AFFORDABILITY FACTOR HAS INCREASED ALONG WITH YOUR ITC SCORE WE CAN APPLY FOR A LOAN IF YOU WISH TO WIPE OUT THE REMAINDER OF THE DEBT BUT AT THIS POINT IN TIME THIS OPTION IS NOT AVAILABLE TO YOU. The ball now lies in your hands. We can start the process to get you out of debt or you can leave it and a few years or months from now that whole would have just gotten bigger. So take our hand and lets walk the journey together PLEASE RESPOND WITHIN 24 HOURS TO LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE TAKING US UP ON THE OFFER SO THAT A CASE MANAGER CAN BE ASSIGNED TO ASSIST YOU. THIS IS NOT DEBT REVIEW OR ADMINISTRATION AND AS SUCH WILL NOT REFLECT ON ITC ACCORDINGLY! So not only does this process get you out of debt without making any more debt , it builds your credit profile in the process as well as increasing your affordability factor. So if in a few days or months or weeks IF you want to go and open an account somewhere , you can , we don’t advise it as that`s what got you into this problem in the first place but if you needed to, you could , depending obviously on that institutions criteria If we can take care of this asap then last month payday was your last broke payday We can mediate everything except Vehicle finance, bonds and municipal accounts Once we receive all the information we will draw up a contract explaining all the terms and conditions and give you the complete breakdown with regards to instalments and everything else that you would like to know and a case manager is assigned to personally assist you. Due to the fact that we have been doing this for years we have a dedicated line of communication between us and the creditors and this allows for quick and effective communication with regards to negotiating your payment terms with them and arranging it so that you simply pay 1 amount for everything. Putting the control back in your hands and more money in your back pocket. Question: So will all my debts be paid and I just have to pay you back? Answer: NO, THERES AN EVEN BETTER WAY There are 3 basic other ways of doing a "consolidation”, none of which we like for various reasons They are debt review (court order), administration (court order) or taking out a big loan to cover your debts (very few people qualify for this and it basically just prolongs your debt , with more interest and a bigger amount to repay which ultimately defeats the idea itself) If you received this message you more than likely tried getting a big loan to settle your debts and have been unsuccessful in doing so which is why this is your last option apart from winning the lotto. If you think about it for a second, after the new credit act was launched, getting a loan was based (amongst other things) your affordability and if your debt is so high how would it be possible to get that loan you wanted? Chances are slim to none. Also, by taking out a loan to pay your debt, you are not really getting out of it, instead your debt amount has increased (because you pay back more on a loan) and you are now paying interest upon interest. Soon you will find yourself paying off 3 or 4 or even 5 loans and have nothing to show for it because you robbing Peter to pay Paul but sooner or later, everyone has to pay the piper. So now you saddled with all this debt, the phone rings and its a private number. Do you answer it? Chances are, NO. You avoid it and hope that it goes away. Bills come , do you open it? I think you see where this is going with all the sleepless nights and endless worries etc. Is there hope? Is there a way out? What now????? Our way of doing things puts the control back in your hands, stops the nagging phone calls and sleepless nights and puts more cash in your back pocket each month so that you can start smiling again Due to the fact that we have been doing this for years we have a dedicated line of communication between us and the creditors and this allows for quick and effective communication with regards to negotiating your payment terms with them and arranging it so that you simply pay 1 amount for everything. Putting the control back in your hands and more money in your back pocket each month But more on that later on. If we hurry and be quick about this, last month payday was your last broke day. REMEMBER – YOU CAN DECIDE WHAT TO MEDIATE. YOUR DEBT IS NOT JUST MYSTERIOUSLY GOING TO DISSAPEAR, YOUR CREDITORS NEED TO GET PAID, OUR AIM IS TO MAKE IT EASIER ON YOU BUT IT STARTS WITH YOU AND IT STARTS NOW. LETS NOT WAIT UNTIL ALL THE INTEREST UPON INTEREST UPON LEGAL COSTS HAVE BEEN ADDED TO A DEBT WHICH KEEPS ON GROWING AND YOU KEEP ON SINKING. LET’S STOP IT RIGHT HERE AND NOW..... This month payday you would have a new problem on your hands, what to do with all this extra money? So STEP 1¬- SHOULD YOU WISH TO PROCEED , PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO admin@shuniafinance and put ‘REQUESTING APPLICATION FORM’ in the subject field STEP 2 - we arrange for contract with breakdown for you to peruse STEP 3 - complete contract and resend STEP 4 - sit back and smile It’s that easy. PLEASE CONFIRM WITHIN 24 HOURS IF YOU WILL BE ACCEPTING THE OFFER SO THAT A CASE MANAGER CAN BE ASSIGNED TO PERSONALLY ASSIST YOU. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN THE OFFER BEING TERMINATED , IT ALSO ALLOWS YOU A WAIVERING OF THE R2480 APPLICATION FEE , SO THAT`S MORE MONEY YOU SAVE EVERYONE ELSE PAYS R2480 JUST FOR SITTING DOWN WITH ONE OF OUR CONSULTANTS AND LETTING THE CONSULTANT EXPLAIN WHAT I JUST DID FOR YOU – BUT YOU DONT! THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS. AND REMEMBER , IT MAY TAKE YOU SLIGHTLY LONGER TO PAY OFF YOUR DEBTS THIS WAY BUT AT LEAST YOU CAN BREATHE EASIER KNOWING THAT YOU WILL HAVE MORE CASH AVAILABLE AT MONTH END TO TAKE CARE OF THE IMPORTANT THINGS WHILST GETTING RID OF YOUR DEBT AND WELL ON YOUR WAY TO BECOMING DEBT FREE So reply now and save R2480! The first step of the process is for you to complete an application form so that we can have the necessary information. Please complete this as fully as possible and resend it to us on 086 548 7953 or by scanning it in and sending it to this email address [email protected] Whichever you prefer. Please remember to include as much statements as possible from creditors that you wish to consolidate along with a copy of your ID and payslip REGARDS
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 11:20:32 +0000

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