IN THE LIKENESS OF A MAN Lee Ferrier Jesus was incarnated in the - TopicsExpress


IN THE LIKENESS OF A MAN Lee Ferrier Jesus was incarnated in the likeness of a man. To be our example in which to follow. It is important to know that man is made of sinful flesh, due to the curse of the fall of Adam and Eve. Jesus was birthed out of Marys body but he could not possibly have had her sinful blood in His veins. He was without Blemish, now how could that be had he the sinful blood of the sinful flesh flowing through his veins? He was not genetically connected to Mary or Joseph. He was God Incarnated into THE LIKENESS OF A MAN NOT COMPLETELY A MAN. JESUS AND GOD ARE DIVINITY AND DIVINITY DOES NOT AGE OR HAVE BIRTHDAYS SORRY. In the beginning was THE WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD. Jesus was GOD! GOD is a spirit and can not have sinful flesh or blood as part of his being whatsoever. That is why GOD gave man a soul so that he could reside within sinful flesh but not be of sinful flesh. Same if he is incarnated in THE LIKENESS OF A MAN Being Divinity whether in the likeness or a man or not, DIVINITY none the same. DIVINITY DOES NOT AGE NOR DOES IT HAVE BIRTH DAYS. That is why there is no order by DIVINE ORDER or SCRIPTURAL ORDER for anyone to celebrate the INCARNATION seeming as a flesh BIRTH. JESUS GAVE ONE COMMAND TO THE DISCIPLES and that was not to celebrate HIS BIRTH but HIS DEATH. His death is what accomplished that which he came to earth to accomplish. There is no such order or command or scripture to support the BIRTH as it was nothing but a representation of JESUS being as a man. He was not completely a man or he could never have been without spot or blemish as THE SINFUL BLOOD OF SINFUL FLESH would have been in HIS body. Did HE not demonstrate all the powers of GOD, even to the raising of the dead? YES! BECAUSE HE WAS GOD, HE WAS DIVINITY, HE DOES NOT HAVE BIRTHDAYS, AND HE NEVER DIES. DID HE DIE AND ROT AS A MAN? NO! Did he ascend up into heaven YES! can a man do that NO! Can a man come back from the dead on his own? NO! Is JESUS up in heaven now? YES! Is he DIVINITY? YES! Does he die? NO! Does he age? NO! Is he a SPIRIT? YES! Does he have birthdays? NO! HE HAS EXISTED ALWAYS AND ALWAYS WILL. Be Blessed. When you meet Jesus you will know that he is a SPIRIT and you will know that he is ETERNAL. and you will know he DOES NOT AGE just as you will not in your spiritual body. May God touch you this day, and give you a revelation of himself that is undeniably clear and true. amen!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 06:53:37 +0000

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