IN THESE LAST DAYS, Just as the Bible warned far too many have - TopicsExpress


IN THESE LAST DAYS, Just as the Bible warned far too many have perverted the true meaning of The Gospel and its Simple, Pure Truth and replaced it with another gospel of Religious Behavior and the Traditions of men. When the Bible is our Divine Guide we experience the Spirit of the living GOD who sets us FREE from the slavery of sin, death and hell. The simple Truth of The Gospel, The Doctrine of Jesus Christ when accurately presented from the Bible is The Message of Hope and Redemption. The Gospel Message proclaims to ALL humanity that through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of GOD, who died upon a Cross to pay for ALL sin of ALL mankind for ALL time by the Mercy and Grace of the Father that whosoever will may come and receive God’s FREE Gift. This GOOD NEWS MESSAGE is so beautiful in it’s simplicity the Bible teaches us we MUST come as little children in order to receive its POWERFUL message. When the teachings of man become contrary to this easily understood Truth we know mans point of view has become preeminent. When human tradition becomes the guide for our practices we are at best brought into religious bondage. At worst many honorable people will die in their sins. Some theologians have dissected the Bible until they become puffed up, filled with ego, vain in their own conceit and stubborn in their determination to force The Word of GOD to support their own opinions. These prideful personalities within the walls of the church may claim allegiance to The Gospel but actually deny its Truth by adding to or taking away from its marvelous simplicity. This doctrine of demons replaces the shed Blood of the King of Kings with an idol wrought by the vanity of men. This false doctrine so closely mimics the truth that it’s message deceives the very elect for in place of the FREE Gift of God’s Holy Grace man substitutes Obligation and requires Religious servitude. This is slavery in place of the Liberty, Death in place of Life. The Truth of The Gospel of Jesus Christ tears down the walls of false doctrine but the devil knows this and is oh so clever in his deception. As a result, many have left the doors of the church believing they are not worthy of the kingdom, empty, drained, trying, striving and hoping to perform sufficiently to survive the cut. In the mind of most Christians it is formal education that qualifies a person to do the Lords work. Unless one has graduated from Bible College he or she is viewed as a para-minister or lay-preacher at best. They are told they are not qualified to operate in their gift except in direct submission to and under the limitations of man. They are made to believe they are unqualified to read and interpret the scriptures sufficiently for themselves, that their gifts carry no power. They are told that they must submit to the authoritative covering and theology of man. All too often the devil is successful in deceiving many into replacing the Holy Spirit who will lead and guide one into all truth with church format. The intellectual leader without the power of God is a viper injecting the poisonous venom of defeat. These false teachers of false doctrine are a danger to the church for they block and obstruct The Truth from entering in and teach others how to do the same thing. Left alone they will contaminate, dominate and subordinate nations as they revise the meaning of the church, the true body of Christ to suit their lust for control, influence or gain. They create programs that carry no purpose. They become faithful to ritual. They declare God is with them. At best they are well intentioned at worst they are demonically influenced imposters. Many will say that they hold services centered on Jesus from the opening worship song to the alter call. But Beloved of God there is a HUGE difference between making Jesus the invisible guest of honor and the Lord and purpose of the gathering. There is a Huge GAP between the manipulative techniques of man and the practical leadership of the Holy Spirit over the fellowship. This is the difference between Heaven and hell for many. This is the difference between The Truth of The gospel and the theology of man. False doctrine proclaims it teaches truth but Christ is not its author. We must embrace the babes in Christ and loose them for it is their great testimonies of Liberty and JOY in Christ that will do great works. They will preach and proclaim THE GOSPEL with the powerful anointing the Truth contains! Man in all of his knowledge and systematic theology cannot duplicate nor surpass this POWER. The teaching of man’s theology of religious behavior and tradition in the church makes coming together in the UNITY of the spirit impossible and the modern church replaces UNITY with a one-man show. The preacher becomes the center of attention and God becomes a thought for a moment. Many pray in the pulpit Lord have YOUR Way with their lips, but their actions say make ME an idol to man. Not all theology is bad but because there is always room in man to ere it is an ever-present danger to speak of ones own opinions. The infallible word of God tears down walls, breaks all curses, and sets the people FREE. Bad theology fortifies the walls of slavery and sets traps for the unwary. Sadly many have become ensnared. Many have merely exchanged the slavery of the world for the captivity of religious intent and both lead to hell. Bad theology weakens the flock. Bad theology will build the bars of prisons instead of tear down strongholds. Bad theology births a false pretense of the Truth of the Bible. Bad theology produces so-called ministers who prefer to bang on the heads of the sheep and whip them upon their backs until they march to the drum and the direction of man instead of walking by faith in the Liberty in which Christ has set them FREE. These self-righteous fools instruct those under them if one does not submit to their interpretive teachings hell will be the only option left for them. The sheep that trust in man in many cases cannot defend themselves due to their lack of knowledge and understanding of the teaching of GODS WORD. They are uneducated to the truth and they submit themselves to bondage with the intention of doing right and causing no harm. It is time for these donkeys with books on their backs to be revealed! Do not fear nor ever submit to those who are without power and can offer only a new type of bondage. Beloved you are no less qualified to preach or proclaim the gospel than King Solomon, the wisest man to ever walk the face of this Earth for anyone can share the message of Freedom the instant they are set FREE. The church is not an organization put together by men! The church from the beginning is instead a living organism created in the heart of God to grow and multiply while drinking from a well that never runs dry. The “religious” can only offer their own blueprint of hopeless theology, welded together by putting people into offices, creating programs, and constructing buildings and observing ritual. The early church understood UNITY and the effectiveness of preaching the KINGDOM of GOD in the POWER of The HOLY SPIRIT through the sharing of GODS WORD while standing on the miracle of the faith of Jesus Christ who was obedient to the Cross. If we are willing to abandon all error taught by men that conflicts with The Word of GOD, these questions must be considered: What does The Word of GOD really teach us about HIS KINGDOM and Our Purpose? Am I held captive to the ritual of Religious Bondage? Has man’s theology contaminated or bewitched me? Am I FREE? Beloved, God is a assembling together a people committed to the whole truth of The Gospel and HIS Kingdom and our season has just begun! This Last Days Anointing is for a Final Call before His return and WE must walk in Power. Let the false teachers putting forth the doctrines of demons be on notice…. The church is awakening! For those content in their own self-righteousness, those who condemn the choices of others, those offended by the imperfect people who do not measure up to your standards and expectations, both within and outside the walls of the church, be warned WE have news for you..… There are more of us than there are of YOU!!! NOW is the time to RISE UP and CAST OFF Condemnation and Lies from the pit of Hell!!! WE Stand … Not in Our Righteousness, but in HIS. WE Command demons… Not in Our name but in HIS. WE STAND TOGETHER… In The Name AND in The Authority of JESUS!!! WE KNOW ENOUGH… To Plead His Shed Blood WE do NOT Run From The Battle. WE Run TO The Battle. WE are TEAM Jesus. And WE ARE EVERYWHERE!!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:35:33 +0000

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