INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, Issue - TopicsExpress


INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 27, Issue 103 July 30, 2013 IAE-ISSN 0893-9470 IAE-IRS-EIN 47-01752-60 Founded in 1986 © Marlin Pals, 2013 FOUNDERS WERE RAVAGED BY THE BRITISH Their Property Was Destroyed And They Had To Live On The Run The American History magazine of August, 2013 has an article about the sacrifices which the lessor founders suffered. The article referred to the Declaration of Independence as having been a suicide pact. The signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that they were essentially signing a suicide pact. There were 56 persons who signed the Declaration of Independence. We have heard a lot about the ones who were wealthy and were able to survive and negotiate with the British. Those persons were Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr, and some others. The British hunted the signers down. The persons who weren’t wealthy were run over by the British troops who used their homes for their barracks, and their cattle and crops for food, and destroyed their farms, and killed their families. One person had to live in a cave and in out-houses and in a dog kennel, but was ultimately captured and tortured. Others were captured by the British after going into hiding and were tortured and imprisoned on British war ships. In all situations the British destroyed the property of those signers of the Declaration of Independence, whether farms or shops or homes or whatever. Those persons were the little people who put everything on the line to attain a better life. The article noted that these people should be celebrated and honored on the Fourth of July. The Declaration of Independence was initially signed on July 4, 1776, but wasn’t finalized by Congress until August 2, 1776. The list of the little people who sacrificed their lives and fortunes for the United States includes: Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Harrison, Elbridge Gerry, Caesar Rodney, Thomas McKean, John Hancock, John Adams, Charles Carroll, George Taylor, William Floyd, John Hart, Lyman Hall, Arthur Middleton, Edward Rutledge, Richard Stockton and Robert Morris and many others. Robert Morris was reported to have played both ends against the middle, but he signed anyway. Others were also a bit ambivalent, and waivered, but ultimately signed. Caesar Rodney made a dramatic but unacknowledged ride to save the union. He was a representative from Delaware and two persons from Delaware were present for the vote: one for independence and one against. Thomas McKean who was the pro-independence delegate sent an express rider to get Rodney. Rodney then rode through a major and violent storm to get to Philadelphia to sign the Declaration of Independence. McKean was present even though he was suffering from a late stage of facial cancer. Rodney rode all night through the storm to get to Philadelphia to vote. In contrast, Paul Revere wasn’t alone on his ride. He was one of many relay riders and only rode a short assigned route and turned the information over to another rider, sort of like the Pony Express riders did. All of the others listed made similar sacrifices to get to Philadelphia and vote and then had to endure the ravages of the British for having signed the Declaration of Independence. July 4 was first called Independence Day in 1791. During the 1811 celebration of Independence Day, Benjamin Rush mentioned to John Adams that amid all of the noise of the celebration no one mentioned the names or the sacrifices of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Many of them were slandered, libeled and ravaged by the news media of that day and the current news media gets its jollies ravaging all who seek to serve and who do serve the nation in public office. The current media doesn’t want to recognize that neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution gives them the right or the authority to bash candidates or office holders. The Ninth Amendment forbids such action. The article mentioned that all who signed the Declaration of Independence; the famous and the obscure, the old, young and middle-aged, planters, farmers and businessmen, new immigrants and descendants of earlier settlers risked everything to set up the United States of America. One of the signers was a French-speaking Catholic who was able to go to Quebec, Canada and attain support for the effort to attain independence. The whole spectrum of religion and secularism was present in the signers. Christians can’t really claim an exclusive advantage or ownership of the nation. The U.S. was set up for everyone. Currently the Republicans and conservatives don’t want to pay taxes to support the nation and to save it from disaster. Instead they hide their money in other nations. Apparently it will again fall to the lowly to save the nation while the self-appointed elite will claim all of the credit. Republicans and conservatives are crying all the time about how “unfair” the government is to them. If the nation is to be saved the Republicans and conservatives had better start to make the kind of sacrifice which the founders made. HISPANIC POLL FINDS ZIMMERMAN GUILTY Should Have Obeyed His Dispatcher Republicans and conservatives cry about Zimmerman’s alleged injuries, but a poll of Hispanics found that in a ratio of two to one, (2 to 1), the Hispanics considered Zimmerman to be at fault for not having stayed in his vehicle as he had been told to do by his dispatcher. HEAVEN MAY BE AMONG US That Is What Christ Taught Theologians may be finally figuring out that the Stone Age concept of Heaven being up and Hell being down is allegorical and not real. However, the Stone Age people used a lot of allegory in their ideas which then became part of the Christian Bible. It seems that Christ even taught that Heaven is within people.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 15:44:43 +0000

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