INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 28, - TopicsExpress


INDEPENDENT ADVOCATE With Capitol City Newsletter Volume 28, Issue 32 February 2, 2014 IAE-ISSN 0893-9470 IAE-IRS-EIN 47-01752-60 Founded in 1986 © Marlin Pals, 2014 WRITE IN VOTES ARE POSSIBLE For Those Not On The Ballot If one doesn’t get to sign a petition for someone to get on the ballot, there is always the option of writing in the name of the candidate. If the candidate has signed up with the Secretary of State, voters don’t have to spell the candidate’s name exactly correctly. However, it probably would be best to spell the candidate’s name correctly. If the candidate hasn’t declared for office, voters would have to spell the candidate’s name exactly correctly or their vote wouldn’t count. Senator Chambers of Nebraska may be the only person who got elected with write-in votes, but he was extremely well known and didn’t have to campaign to get acquainted with voters. Don’t let that fact discourage you. Go and vote. DEAD WOMAN GIVES BIRTH The Child Was Healthy In the news, a woman who has been brain dead for several months was forced to carry a fetus to term and give birth. Forcing a baby upon a woman is an act of rape. Pro-lifers like to preen themselves in their self-praise for saving a life. That is like Republican men who believe that God ordained them to rape women. Taxes, which Republicans hate, will have to be increased to provide funds for the care of the child who was forced into the world against its own will. However, the child never had a chance to decide its fate and didn’t have knowledge of being born, so it couldn’t have protested its birth, otherwise it most likely would have protested being born into this horrible world. Taxes could be raised to 99% since pro-lifers, who are mainly Republicans forced the baby to be born. As a result, taxes can be legitimately forced upon them to pay for their folly. True to their weird values, Republicans will claim that the baby owes society the cost of its birth and will no doubt have the baby thrown into prison when it can’t pay, and their cops can and will use it for football practice. Republicans have been using babies for their political football games for decades. Republicans kick babies around to manipulate public opinion and give themselves the power to promote war and deprive people of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, while they refuse to pay their taxes and claim to be avoiding taxes which means they are evading taxes. There is actually a law on Nebraska’s books which holds a baby responsible for the cost of its birth. It is a Republican law and must reflect shamefully upon Republicans, and all who support such a law. Actually that forces the baby onto welfare which Republicans hate and refuse to support. Giving birth is a very tortuous experience and to force a woman who is dead to carry the baby to term is, and was really a crime. For pro-lifers, it shows that they are really Socialists. They are forcing society to have to take care of the baby. The baby will need intensive care from now on and no one is available to take care of it. It is a most heinous act of cruelty to bring a baby into the world when there is no means of support for it and no one to take care of it. The baby does have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness upon birth, and that means it will have to be given full care of housing, food, education, employment, and medical care and retirement and anything else. Failure to provide such care will be a violation of the baby’s Ninth Amendment rights. Pro-lifers will be basking in their own praise for having allegedly saved a life. The baby should have been left to die with its mother as nature apparently intended. Interfering with nature is a moral crime. To prove that they are indeed pro-life they had better pay their taxes and provide the child with the best of care that money can buy even if their taxes must be raise to 100%. They also should make sure the child gets the personal care such as a parent could give, because institutional care just doesn’t provide the same intimate environment which a child needs. Failure to provide for the baby who they forced to be born will negate their pro-life position.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 19:51:57 +0000

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