INI DAFTAR BUKU BAGUS YANG SEBAENYE LO BELI N BACA. HA...7X 1. CHRIST, MUHAMMAD AND I by Mohammad Al Ghazoli 2. JESUS AND MUHAMMAD : PROFOUND DIFFERENCES AND SUPRISING SIMILARITIES by Mark A. Gabriel 3. PROPHET OF DOOM : ISLAMS TERRORIST DOGMA IN MUHAMMADS OWN WORDS by Craig Winn 4. LEFT BEHIND by Jerry B. Jenkins 5. LEFT BEHIND by Tim F. LaHaye 6. ISLAMIC INVASION by Robert A. Morey 7. THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST : THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT THE REAL NATURE OF THE BEAST by Joel Richardson 8. Antichrist: Islams Awaited Messiah by Joel Richardson 9. Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out by Susan Crimp 10. The End Times in Chronological Order: A Complete Overview to Understanding Bible Prophecy by Ron Rhodes 11. Islam: In Light of History By Rafat Amari 12. Son of Hamas: A Gripping Account of Terror, Betrayal, Political Intrigue, and Unthinkable Choices by Mosab Hassan Yousef 13. The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the Worlds Most Intolerant Religion by Robert Spencer 14. The Torn Veil by Gulshan Esther 15. Why I Am Not a Muslim by Ibn Warraq 16. Why I Am Not A Moslem by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman 17. Islam And Terrorism: What the Quran really teaches about Christianity, violence and the goals of the Islamic jihad. by Mark A. Gabriel 18. Gods War on Terror: Islam, Prophecy and the Bible by Walid Shoebat 19. Why I Left Jihad: The Root of Terrorism and the Return of Radical Islam by Walid Shoebat 20. Islam And The Jews: The unfinished battle by Mark A. Gabriel 21. Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America byBrigitte Gabriel 22. Slavery, Terrorism and Islam by Peter Hammond 23. Slavery, Terrorism & Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat by Peter Hammond 24. Islam Exposed by Floyd McElveen 25. The Banality of Suicide Terrorism: The Naked Truth About the Psychology of Islamic Suicide Bombing by Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin 26. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer 27. The Destiny of Islam in the End Times by Faisal Malick 28. 10 Amazing Muslims Touched by God by Faisal Malick 29. The challenge of Islam to the church and its mission by Patrick Sookhdeo 30. Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography of Allahs Prophetby Ali Sina 31. The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islams Holy Book by Ibn Warraq 32. The Hidden Life of The Prophet Muhammad by Dr. A. A. Ahmed 33. The Secrets of the Koran: Revealing Insights into Islams Holy Bible by Don Richardson 34. Islam in the End Times by Ellis H. Skolfield 35. Muhammad is The Antichrist by Cole Steele 36. Islam - The Dark Night Of Humanity by G. P. Geoghegan 37. Stepping into the Shadows: Why Women Convert to Islam by Rosemary Sookhdeo 38. What the Koran Really Says by ibn warraq 39. The False Prophet (Who is Behind Middle East Terrorism?) by Ellis H. Skolfield 40. DREAMS AND VISIONS: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World? byTom Doyle 41. Out of darkness Into Light: True to life stories of Muslims coming to Jesus Christ Through Visions, Dreams, & Miracles. by Ali Abdel Masih 42. The Blood of Lambs: A Former Terrorists Memoir of Death and Redemption by Kamal Saleem 43. Iran: Desperate for God by The Voice of the Martyrs 44. Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus by Jerry Trousdale LO CUKUP BACA BEBERAPA AJE DARE REKOMENDASI BUKU DI ATAS. MAKA LO AKAN KAGET NGELIAT BETAPA JAHATNYE ESLAM. HA...7X YAH JELAS JAHAT LAH KARNA ALLAH SWT ADALAH IBLIS N MAMAD ADALAH ANTIKRIS. HA...7X SEBENERNYE SIH, ALLAH SWT PIKTIP ALIAS BERHALA DEWA BULAN ARAB N DI ISRAEL NAMANYE BAAL. HA...7X N JIBRIL ADALAH IBLIS YANG MENYAMAR SBAGE MALAIKAT TERANG. 2 KORINTUS 11:14-15 14 Hal itu tidak usah mengherankan, sebab Iblis pun menyamar sebagai malaikat Terang. 15 Jadi bukanlah suatu hal yang ganjil, jika pelayan-pelayannya menyamar sebagai pelayan-pelayan kebenaran. Kesudahan mereka akan setimpal dengan perbuatan mereka. FATHER - GOD 1. The Father Heart of God: Experiencing the Depths of His Love for You by Floyd McClung 2. A Father Who Keeps His Promises: Gods Covenant Love in Scripture 3. Gods Voice Within: The Ignatian Way to Discover Gods Will by Mark E. Thibodeaux SJ 4. Blessing Your Spirit: With the Blessings of Your Father and the Names of God by Arthur A. Burk 5. God Is Faithful: A Daily Invitation into the Father Heart of God byDavid Wilkerson 6. God the Father - Four Week Mini Bible Study (The Holy Trinity Parenting Series) by Heather Bixler 7. Is the Father of Jesus the God of Muhammad? by Timothy George 8. A God to Call Father: Discovering Intimacy With God by Michael R. Phillips 9. Love Letters From Father God: To You His Child by Louise H Carter Yesus. 1. Jesus Christ: The Real Story by United Church of God 2. Praying the Way Jesus Prayed: Breaking Through the Barriers That Keep Us from Connecting with God by Mark Link SJ 3. The Jesus Plan: Breaking Through Barriers to Introduce the People You Know to the God You Love by Bruce Dreisbach 4. Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young 5. Jesus, CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership by Laurie Beth Jones 6. Jesus Humanity and the Trinity by Kathryn Tanner 7. Jesus Christ (student book): Gods Love Made Visible (Living in Christ) by Carrie J. Schroeder 8. Jesus Christ: Gods Revelation to the World by Michael Pennock 9. Jesus Christ, Disciplemaker by Bill Hull 10. The Case for Christ: A Journalists Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus by Lee Strobel 11. Life of Christ by Fulton J. Sheen 12. Jesus Christ: Teacher, Servant and Savior (John Stott Bible Studies)by John Stott 13. Principles for the Gathering of Believers Under the Headship of Jesus Christ by Gospel Fellowships 14. Walking with Jesus Christ (Bible Verses of Christ Organized In Applicable Topics) by Dr. Lon G. Stewart 15. One Perfect Life: The Complete Story of the Lord Jesus by John MacArthur 16. The Cross of Christ by John Stott 17. Jesus for the Non-Religious by John Shelby Spong Trinity. 1. The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three: Discovering the Radical Truth at the Heart of Christianity by Cynthia Bourgeault 2. Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith byMichael Reeves 3. Trinity by Joseph F. Girzone 4. Trinity, Revelation, and Reading: A Theological Introduction to the Bible and its Interpretation by Scott R. Swain 5. The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything byFred Sanders 6. The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship byRobert Letham 7. The Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Life Changing - The Power to Change Everything About You) byBurton Rager 8. The Trinity (Guides to Theology) by Roger E. Olson 9. The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity by B.B. Warfield 10. The Tripersonal God: Understanding and Interpreting the Trinity byGerald OCollins Holy Spirit. 1. Good Morning, Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn 2. The Holy Spirit: Activating Gods Power in Your Life by Billy Graham 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit by Derek Prince 4. Experiencing The Holy Spirit by MURRAY ANDREW 5. Welcome, Holy Spirit: How You Can Experience The Dynamic Work Of The Holy Spirit In Your Life. by Benny Hinn 6. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Relationships, Roles, and Relevance byBruce A. Ware 7. 7 Things The Holy Spirit Will Do In You by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD others. 1. The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren 2. The Purpose Driven Church: Every Church Is Big in Gods Eyes byRick Warren 3. The World On Fire by Rick Joyner 4. The Torch and the Sword (Final Quest) by Rick Joyner 5. The Final Quest by Rick Joyner 6. The Vision A Two-in-one Volume Of The Final Quest And The Call byRick Joyner 7. Epic Battles of the Last Days by Rick Joyner 8. The Prophetic Ministry by Rick Joyner 9. The Harvest by Rick Joyner 10. The Power to Change the World: The Welsh and Azusa Street Revivals by Rick Joyner 11. He Came To Set The Captives Free by Rebecca Brown 12. Becoming A Vessel Of Honor by BROWN REBECCA 13. Prepare For War by BROWN REBECCA 14. The Gifts of the Body by Rebecca Brown 15. Unbroken Curses by Rebecca Brown 16. Church of Lies by Flora Jessop 17. Elder Northfields home: or, Sacrificed on the Mormon altar; a story of the blighting curse of polygamy by Jennie Bartlett. 18. The Mormon Delusion: The Truth Behind Polygamy and Secret Polyandry (Volume 1) by Jim Whitefield 19. When Gods Purpose Becomes Personal by Matthew Omaye Ajiake 20. They Shall Expel Demons: What You Need to Know about Demons - Your Invisible Enemies by Derek Prince 21. Declaring Gods Word: A 365 Day Devotional by Derek Prince Buy new: $14.39 / Used from: $7.95 22. Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose by Derek Prince 23. Secrets of a Prayer Warrior by Derek Prince 24. Does Your Tongue Need Healing? by Derek Prince 25. Rules of Engagement: Preparing for Your Role in the Spiritual Battleby Derek Prince 26. Foundational Truths For Christian Living: Everything you need to know to live a balanced, spirit-filled life by Derek Prince 27. Entering The Presence Of God by Derek Prince 28. Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind by Joyce Meyer 29. Power Thoughts: 12 Strategies to Win the Battle of the Mind by Joyce Meyer 30. The Secret Power of Speaking Gods Word by Joyce Meyer 31. Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits: 14 New Behaviors That Will Energize Your Life by Joyce Meyer 32. Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions by Joyce Meyer 33. Snakes in the Lobby by Scott MacLeod 34. Why I Am A Christian by John Stott 35. Why I Am a Christian: Leading Thinkers Explain Why They Believe 36. Demons in the Church by Ellis H. Skolfield 37. Re-Claiming the Bible for a Non-Religious World by John Shelby Spong 38. Sons of Abraham: Egypt, Israel and Assyria Worshipping God Together as a Blessing on the Earth by Tom Hess 39. Safe in the Shepherds Arms: Hope & Encouragement from Psalm 23by Max Lucado 40. The Lord Is My Shepherd: Resting in the Peace and Power of Psalm 23 by Robert J. Morgan 41. The Bible Code by MichaelDrosnin 42. Bible Code II: The Countdown by Michael Drosnin 43. Bible Code III: Saving the World by Michael Drosnin 44. The Original Code in the Bible: Using Science and Mathematics to Reveal Gods Fingerprints by Del Washburn 45. Bible Code Bombshell by R. Edwin Sherman KALO MO NGELIAT YANG LEBIH BANYAK MAKA KLIK DI SINI : DAFTAR BUKU BAGUS BUAT LO BELI N BACA. 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There is evidence evil curse in polygamy. angel-publisher.blogspot/2013/12/book-there-is-evidence-evil-curse-in.html 2. Proof muhammad is the Antichrist. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/book-proof-muhammad-is-antichrist.html 3. Bible proven forgery. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/01/book-bible-proven-forgery.html 4. Allah SWT idiot proof. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/book-allah-swt-idiot-proof_2.html 5. Science in the bible. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/04/book-science-in-bible.html 6. Jesus is the only Savior of the world. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/04/book-jesus-is-only-savior-of-world.html 7. Evidence of Jesus Christ is Yahweh. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/book-evidence-of-jesus-christ-is-yahweh.html 8. Jesus in the Trinity is One God. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/book-jesus-in-trinity-is-one-god.html 9. Israel proof Yahweh is the creator of the universe. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/book-israel-proof-yahweh-is-creator-of.html 10. The truth about the Koran. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/book-truth-about-koran.html 11. Islam ( Invisible Satan Leader Among Muslims ). angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/book-islam-invisible-satan-leader-among.html 12. Allah is not God but the devil. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/02/book-allah-is-not-god-but-devil.html 13. Who is actually Allah SWT ? angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/02/book-who-is-actually-allah-swt.html 14. The story of 26 prophets in the Koran. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/the-story-of-26-prophets-in-koran.html 15. The correct version of the Quran. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/03/the-correct-version-of-quran.html 16. Quranic scripture most idiot in the world. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/04/book-worlds-most-idiot-scripture.html 17. Muhammad SAW idiot proof. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/04/book-muhammad-saw-idiot-proof.html 18. Trinity in the Quran. angel-publisher.blogspot/2014/05/book-trinity-in-quran.html BELI BUKU GUE NYOK. ha...7x Biar gue bisa full time menyebarkan injil. BIAR NAMA YESUS DITINGGIKAN DAN DIMULIAKAN DI SELURUH BUMI. HA...7X Filipi 2:5-11 5 Hendaklah kamu dalam hidupmu bersama, menaruh pikiran dan perasaan yang terdapat juga dalam Kristus Yesus, 6 yang walaupun dalam rupa Allah, tidak menganggap kesetaraan dengan Allah itu sebagai milik yang harus dipertahankan, 7 melainkan telah mengosongkan diri-Nya sendiri, dan mengambil rupa seorang hamba, dan menjadi sama dengan manusia. 8 Dan dalam keadaan sebagai manusia, Ia telah merendahkan diri-Nya dan taat sampai mati, bahkan sampai mati di kayu salib. 9 Itulah sebabnya Allah sangat meninggikan Dia dan mengaruniakan kepada-Nya nama di atas segala nama, 10 supaya dalam nama Yesus bertekuk lutut segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di atas bumi dan yang ada di bawah bumi, 11 dan segala lidah mengaku: Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan, bagi kemuliaan Allah, Bapa! TRANSFER UANG PEMBELIAN BUKU/HAK LISENSI KE : Richard Nata Bank Central Asia, Tbk, Indonesia 002-157-6394 SETELAH ITU KIRIM EMAIL DISERTAI BUKTI TRANSFER KE guerich007@gmail ATAU SMS KE 62-8889910822 ( SMS ONLY, NO PHONE CALL ). Jangan lupa, beritahukan buku apa yang anda beli dari kami. LORD JESUS BLESS YOU AMEN
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 23:41:59 +0000

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