INNA LILAHI WA INNA ILAYHI ROJEEHUN! SUBHANALLAH! PLEASE READ THROUGH! Angola wants to ban the cult Islam and Muslims, and destroy mosques throughout the country 1 Vote Sometimes you find wisdom where you least expect it! First we heard of the ruling by a court in Novorossiysk, a city in southern Russia, that ordered the Qur’an to be outlawed a few months ago under a Russian anti- extremism law that deemed the Qur’an extremist material. And now Angola. Read these happy news below (and rest assure Qatar will respond by sending and funding jihadist to Angola): . First mosque in Angola to go? No, this is not a product of one of the new wave of fake news and poorly executed satire sites. Admittedly this move was so brazen, oppressive and unprecedented that we had to spend some time absolutely verifying the story before we ran it. But it turns out that the account is absolutely true. The African nation of Angola has banned the practice of the religion of Islam, classifying it as a “cult” rather than a religion. Several Angolain newspapers have asserted that the nation has become the first country to ban Islam and Muslims and is moving to destroy mosques throughout the country. Rosa Cruz e Silva, the Angolan Minister of Culture, was quoted by Agence Ecofin, saying that ”The process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, their mosques would be closed until further notice.” Silva said that Islam, along with other non- recognized religions will face the same fate of prohibition. “All sects on the list published by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights in the Angolan newspaper Jornal de Angola are prohibited to conduct worship, so they should keep their doors closed,” she said further. We will keep you updated on any developments with this story. ( Article by Isa Abu Jamal and Micah Naziri )
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 21:03:27 +0000

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