INSANITY! Whats the definition of Insanity? - TopicsExpress


INSANITY! Whats the definition of Insanity? Answer... Doing the same thing over & over again & expecting a different result. Get paid for clicking a mouse, right? You might be thinking MyAdvertisingPays sounds to good to be true? Well my answer is simple, you heard of Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube? They all make there money (Billions with a B per year) from online advertising. Now think about this, who promoted these companies? Answer YOU & I. Yes... And guess who got rich? They did! Now Imagine if there was a company similar set up that PAID you & I to click on there site? Any guess who makes the money? YOU do Wouldnt that be awesome? Well it is. MyAdvertisingPays is that company & its set to revolutionise the way people make money online. You join, (no cost) Purchase credit packs Click 10 ads (5 minutes) Get PAID Up to 72 times daily! Its simple, easy & fast. IN Short... Its Impossible NOT To Make Money If you are reading this then you WILL make money Pays-Daily If your new on my list read on to learn more... ======= With over 17 years online marketing experience I can tell you what really makes money online & what does not. I get pitched on multiple opportunities each & everyday I do look at each one & have a check list that each opportunity has to pass. 99% of them fail, however every now & then a gem comes through that I cant ignore. This one came through recently, & having spoke to the company owner (many times), checking my check list, this one came through with flying colours. Its called My Advertising Pays (MAPS for short) Heres a few reasons 1. Every Single person Makes Money, in fact its impossible NOT to make money. This equates to Zero Churn, as whos going to quit when their making money. With other businesses generally over 90% quit. 2. You do have do something each day, click and view just 10 ads per day (Seriously this takes around 2 minutes a day) You can also buy holiday periods so if for any reason you cant view the ads you will still earn daily profit shares. 3. Massive expanding market place online advertising is a multi-billion a year industry that is insatiable. 4. Unlimited earnings potential (I have already created a plan to make a million dollar a year business, I have already done this before & this is better & Im ahead of schedule) 5. Long term sustainable growth 6. Top US Attorney Kevin Thompson on board 7. Fast Daily Payouts and in house ewallet pay system 8. Great support System (support system in place for US, UK & Australia, the World 9. Top Worldwide Leaders are onboard already ready to capitalise on this huge expanding market (me included) 10. Its free to join, wow, this makes this a total no brainer. 11. No sponsoring required to earn daily profit shares. Not everyone can sponsor, this means that those that can or dont want to sponsor can make daily profit shares. 12. You get real highly targeted traffic to your website. (Majority of members are PAID members that are proven to buy over & over again) 13. Fast set up. 14. High converting professional lead capture pages 15. Back office training system 16. Multiple Ways to earn. 17. Up to 2% earnings per day (compare that with a bank where you get 1% a year = no brainer) 18. If you do team build & sponsor (which I highly recommend then you earn 10% on purchases & repurchases for life. 19. You earn & get traffic to your website = no brainer, every business wants more traffic & when they earn from this traffic, then this makes it another bonus. 20. Compounding Effect (this is absolutely huge & which makes people truly rich) 200% in 2 months! 21. Not only that if you already have a business like EmpowerNetwork then this will help you even more, as you will get highly targeted traffic to your lead capture pages, building your list, not only that you & your members will also have the same, plus as your MAPS accounts & earnings grow, youll have enough money to go all in, i.e. works as a great funded proposal. If you have not done so yet, join here... My-Advertising-Pays This is MASSIVE Guys IM me if you are a SERIOUS PLAYER? Ill work with you ONE ON ONE & Show you Step By Step on what it takes to me a MILLION DOLLAR A YEAR EARNER I have also built a team training site to share some facts, figures, training. And am also setting up a hangout with the company owner & CEO. ==> My-Advertising-Pays
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:24:53 +0000

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