IS THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE THECE OF GOD? It is no news to hear - TopicsExpress


IS THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE THECE OF GOD? It is no news to hear people from all works of life in various casual folk talks, radio discussions, television debates, event interviews and several other verbal expressions say: “The voice of the people is the voice of God”. Now, kids, teens, youth and aged make this statement relatively freely and consider it a harmless statement used especially for emphasizing their claims on certain rights and privileges they claim should be theirs but which they have not benefited. It is really very funny when you try to investigate the statement from the horse’s mouth. By asking simple questions like: “Please what God do you mean? What people? Of what race or beliefs are these people whose voice is the voice of their God?” You will find out that except the individual just felt the statement was a good one to quote, they (those using the statement with its understanding) mean something really different. Have you heard persons say: “You want to know who God is? Then look in the mirror!” Sure, some must have heard this or at least read it somewhere, somehow. This group of persons master-minding the statements mean a different thing entirely but twist it to look like it is said to buttress your point, to your benefit, so, you may just fell; “well, it’s okay anyway” and pick it up yourself. There are a group of people (not different from those above) who believe they are their own god, hence they say:”Look in the mirror”. And when you look in the mirror, you see yourself, a mortal man and maybe perplexed and confused of life’s experiences and situations ranked pitiable and there is someone saying: “You are your own god”. The word of God tells us this simply: “Such individuals are self seeking and sensual.” They believe they are made for themselves; “There is no God to serve apart from their desires, their wants, their lusts and their cravings. They are ruled by what their hearts desire therefore anything or anyone who stands in their way is an enemy and must be gotten rid of and so they must ‘get rid of the God of the bible, Christ Jesus the Lord. The book of Romans 1:25 tells us that “these exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator who is blessed forever.” Romans 1: 26-32 further enlightens us of their plight, which to them is ‘pleasure’. Let us consider a few cases where man claimed to be the god (since it takes a god to speak with the voice of a god) and see what followed such individuals. Acts 12: 20-24: Herod of Israel had in a while been angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon but having made friend with Herod’s personal aide called Blastus, they asked for peace because THEIR COUNTRY WAS SUPPLIED WITH FOOD BY THE KING’S COUNTRY(personal gain). Verses 21-24: 21 So on a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat on his throne and gave an oration to them. 22 And the people kept shouting; “The voice of a god and not of a man!” 23 Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him (Herod), BECAUSE HE DID NOT GIVE GLORY TO THE LORD GOD. And he was eaten by worms and died. 24 But the word of God grew and multiplied. Let us consider Ezekiel 28: 1-2 1The word of the LORD came to me: 2Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, ‘This is what the sovereign LORD says: “In the pride of your heart you say, “I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas.” But you are a man and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god. Verses 4-19 explain what must follow the King of Tyre: ‘God’s righteous judgment’. The statement: “the voice of the people is the voice of god” tells us plainly what god they speak of: themselves, not the Most High so, no capital ‘G’ in this one. Their concept is not new neither is the judgment that will follow either. They are perverse in their ways but the Almighty sees and “When His judgment is in the earth, the people of the world will learn righteousness.” This explains the anger that wells up within me whenever I hear that statement and other related statements. I become so vexed from within that so many times, I spit out, in condemnation of the gravity of the falsehood. The Lord Jesus alone must be praised. Who in heaven, on earth or beneath the earth can get rid of the Creator and sit enthroned on His Holy Mountain? None by means of His own might ever can. But thanks be to God who has declared in His word that I am seated together with Him (not alone by myself) in heavenly places. Oh yes! I did not say so myself but I BELIEVE AND THEREFORE HAVE I SPOKEN. And so, when I speak by the Spirit of Truth, God’s word revealed by His Spirit, I can say: “Thus saith the Lord”. It is the voice of God sent forth to all the earth that can transform not man’s creed and decisions. They all come to nothing like the ruin of Babylon, Greece, Persia and Rome as examples. There is no God BESIDE the MOST HIGH GOD, even Christ Jesus the Lord. I will say this, times without number. And so, sadly, it was same for Eve in the Garden of Eden, she wanted to be “like God” (by disobeying God’s word) but man fell to the mercy of a low debased realm and so all men fell in the first Adam. But I thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ the Lamb of God for the scripture say that : “As ‘ALL’ DIED IN ADAM, SO SHALL ‘ALL’ BE MADE ALIVE IN CHRIST JESUS. Oh yes, the victory of Christ is greater than the fall of the first Adam. Yes, all, no exclusion is there, but ‘all’ shall be made alive in Christ Jesus. This is great truth which we should ask the Spirit of God to breathe upon to quicken in our hearts. Holy brethren, let us therefore be careful of our conversation so that no unwholesome talk proceeds from our mouth. All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching , rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3: 16-17). Blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus from whom flows all good and godly things. Glory to the Lord Jesus. He has ransomed us by His blood. Lord, fill our earth with your glory. Amen. God bless us all. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 07:22:35 +0000

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