ITS OUT! THE MYM 7 POINT PLAN OF ACTION IS HERE: PLEASE READ (“Millions For Trayvon”, Sept 7, 2013) millionyouthmarch2013 Million Youth March 7 POINT PLAN OF ACTION FOR OUR YOUTH AND BLACK POWER 1. Unity, God and the Black Family “One God, One Aim and One Destiny” for our people is the broad belief and umbrella of the Million Youth March and National Black Family Convention. We believe in our Divine Power and the Moral Code of our Ancestors. The MYM represents Unity on all levels and teaches a ‘Black Family First’ philosophy; meaning that we are a Universal Black Family from Africa and we must treat each other better to enable this long desired Unity to come about. The divisions of the past 500 Years must come to an end. We support both the nuclear and extended Black Family and the MYM-Family Convention Program of Action strongly supports Black Family values and programs. Our Movement includes mothers, fathers, youth, and all the extended and universal Black Family. Overall, Our Movement is a Pan-African or Black United Front which is a movement for Black Power or a family of organizations in solidarity, working for the elevation of our Youth, the uplift of our Families and the total and complete liberation of our people worldwide. 2. National Truce The Million Youth March and Black Family Convention is dedicated to Stopping All Violence and killing amongst our youth. For 500 years we have been wrongly pitted against each other. The MYM is organizing and convening a NATIONAL TRUCE amongst all warring factions or fractions inside the Black Nation or community. All Street Organizations or “Gangs” who are dedicated to reform are welcome at our Convention. The Million Youth March is bringing together the premier anti-violence groups from around the nation. Our Movement will provide resources and initiatives as well as links and referrals to appropriate mentors, provider organizations, gang intervention services, at-risk youth services, counseling services, social services, non-profits and all community programs worthy of our support. We are organizing for a National Truce for an end to all Black on Black conflict in any form. In the name of Trayvon Martin, we must Stop The Killing amongst us By Any Means Necessary! 3. Education and Culture The Million Youth March and National Black Family Convention teaches that we must control the education of our youth and people. We must have a Black Conscious education because we have been mis-educated by this Euro- Centric indoctrination system that makes us hate our Black selves. The Million Youth March is for college students, high school students, students of all ages and parents alike. We also encourage higher education and vocational education for our youth because we need revolutionary Black professionals in order to win this struggle. The MYM will present a new educational paradigm and program. Our paradigm will be presented in the form of the Million Youth March On-Line University and links to African- Centered Independent or Chartered schools. We are also linked and receive and special services from the leading Black scholars and institutes. The Million Youth March supports Public School intervention, activism and School board advocacy because most of our youth are located there. We promote parental responsibility and self-education. We must take charge of our youth’s education. The MYM website and On-Line University will equip Parents with the tools and inspiration to teach our children. We promote an African-centered culture and education as a way of life that is true to our own self. The MYM believes in artist responsibility and is building a network of entertainers and artists dedicated to Black empowerment. Our Movement teaches us to know Black, love Black, live Black and make the proper Education and acculturation of our Black minds our top priority. Proper Education Always Causes Elevation. 4. Black Economics The Million Youth March and National Black Family Convention strives for Black Economic Power. We are for a New Economic MAAT; a new global finance system that is balanced, shared, just and believes that the economic capital generated by Black people should remain in the hands and pockets of Black People. We promote a Buy Black philosophy and Buy Black Campaigns. We support Black-outs Boycotts and Economic Sanctions against companies and entities that do not play fair and exploit our People. The MYM supports Black labor and working class persons and their struggles and rights. The MYM and its co-sponsors practice Product Production and our products, goods and services will be sold at the March-Convention and on-line. The MYM economic advisory board will educate the MYM participants on the science of successful business and economic practices. Our Convention features Black Farmers and we support all forms of land ownership and Real Estate development. The Million Youth March staunchly opposes and organizes against gentrification, which is a biased, exploitive, unjust ‘development’ scheme whose net result is the eradication of Blacks from prime urban areas in favor of elite, historically privileged whites. We support affordable housing and space for the homeless, poor and vulnerable in society. Ultimately, the Million Youth March seeks the total liberation of all land, labor and resources belonging to African People anywhere in the world. Of course the Our Movement demands FULL AND COMPLETE REPARATIONS and compensation for over 500 years of uncompensated chattle slavery, theft and plunder of Black land, lives, resources and complete destruction of Human Lives. 5. Health and Wellness The Million Youth March and National Black Family Convention teaches a “How To Eat and Exercise To Live” philosophy. We teach that without healthy minds and bodies, true liberation, peace and happiness is not possible for us as a people. The MYM promotes healthy health habits and practices. Our Movement will provide Free Health clinics at the Main Rally and Vital Health information at the Convention and on-line. The MYM is building a coalition of Black Health Care experts and advisors that consists of Doctors, R.N’s L.P.N.’s, Nutritionists, Holistic Healers and the like. Mental Health issues are important to us and the MYM provides links and referrals to competent mental health service providers and resources. Our youth and our people must be healthy strong warriors and ready for the battles of life if we are to achieve true liberation. 6. Legal Rights, Injustice and Self Defense The Million Youth March and National Black Family Convention is dedicated to educating our people on their legal rights and reducing our youths involvement in the Criminal Justice System. We support all actions designed to relieve our youth and peoples plight due to the injustices perpetrated on us by the Criminal Justice System. The MYM is dedicated to reducing the amount of Black youth being arrested, plea-bargained, being convicted and sentenced to mass incarceration. It is modern day slavery! We will provide mass legal education to our youth and people and at our Convention, Main Rally and On-line. We are linked to conscious and competent Lawyers. The MYM organizes broad efforts against illegal stop and frisk and all forms of Police harassment and brutality. The MYM intends to establish regular programs behind the prison and jail walls and also links to credible ex-offender and post incarceration release programs. In The Name Of Trayvon Martin, the MYM Dedicates Itself and Its Movement to the principles and practices of Self Defense. We must legally and physically defend ourselves against an aggressive and brutal enemy. Our Movement demands and organizes for the FREEDOM FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS. 7. Black Power Movement The Million Youth March itself is a mass mobilization towards a Black Power Movement. Our Movement is dedicated to complete constructive change (Revolution). The National Black Family Convention is a National Summit and think tank of the best of the new school leaders. Black Power can only come into reality by serious follow up and organizing. Liberation and Black Power come about only as a result of a scientific process, not merely by random or reactionary events. We are organizing a mass movement that will define, develop and defend that which is in our best interests (our 7 Point Program). The MYM is much more than mass rally or march. The Million Youth March is a mass gathering for education and inspiration which reflects the will of over 100 Organizations, Local Organizing Committees and other entities which built the 1998 March and are building the September 7, 2013 March and Convention. These 100 Organizations and the millions more we will inspire, will serve as the nucleus of a United Front and a Black Power Movement that will remain in force after the mass rally and convention. Our specific programs such as the MYM Black Survival Guide, MYM on-line University, Community Service Projects, Free Food and Clothing programs, Self-Development and Self-Defense Programs are listed in our “7 Services and Programs of the Million Youth March”. The Million Youth March Coalition is Pan-African and will link up with all Pan- African forces and movements fighting for our total liberation. We are in solidarity with all of the dark and oppressed peoples worldwide. We intend to deliver Black Power. BLACK POWER! Completed and revised on 7-31-2013 by MYM Convener, Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq., and a team of Million Youth March Advisors. In the name of Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad, who convened the 1998 MYM. In the Spirit of Our Martyr Trayvon Martin millionyouthmarch2013
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 18:51:12 +0000

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