IT’S NOT A TRAP! I posted the Scriptures I used in case you - TopicsExpress


IT’S NOT A TRAP! I posted the Scriptures I used in case you “feel” like reading the points I made and so you all don’t have to pull out your Bibles if you don’t want to. And of course I used their new Silver Sword NWT. I didn’t take any books with me, I only used their stuff, including their I pads and their beloved website, ( So I went to meet all the relatives. I went inside and scanned the area to see if there were any elders from my area. But I saw no one except two of my uncles who are not JWs. Everyone was waiting in the living room and every one was nice and greeted me with a smile except the wife of one of my nephews. I could tell she was not happy because she had her hands folded, a scowl on her face and she was the only one who didn’t greet me. So everyone kept quiet and one of the elders asked me what this means with the Lot story? I asked, “What do you mean?” He says, “What does it all mean that we didn’t know about what really happened in the story about Sodom and Gomorrah?” I told him, “Well I don’t know what it means to you, but for me, it means that when I was an elder all those years, I never read the Bible. I thought I did. And it wasn’t until I stepped down and I had plenty of time that I started reading the Bible and studying it like if I was going to take an exam at a University. And I started finding out that the Bible says a lot of things that I was never aware of.” I was very careful not to mention that the Watchtower is lying, that the magazines are false. That they are false prophets. Etc. So one of the nephews speaks out and says, “Like What?” And everyone turns to me and waits for a response. So I say, “For example, do you have a Bible?” And several offered me a Bible. So I take one and turn to (Daniel 1:1-5) . . .In the third year of the kingship of Je•hoi′a•kim the king of Judah, Neb•u•chad•nez′zar the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and proceeded to lay siege to it. 2 In time Jehovah gave into his hand Je•hoi′a•kim the king of Judah and a part of the utensils of the house of the [true] God, so that he brought them to the land of Shi′nar to the house of his god; and the utensils he brought to the treasure-house of his god. 3 Then the king said to Ash′pe•naz his chief court official to bring some of the sons of Israel and of the royal offspring and of the nobles, 4 children in whom there was no defect at all, but good in appearance and having insight into all wisdom and being acquainted with knowledge, and having discernment of what is known, in whom also there was ability to stand in the palace of the king; and to teach them the writing and the tongue of the Chal•de′ans. 5 Furthermore, to them the king appointed a daily allowance from the delicacies of the king and from his drinking wine, even to nourish them for three years, that at the end of these they might stand before the king. So I ask them, “Do you remember who was included in this group of people who were taken to exile to Babylon? (No one answered) If you read the account you will remember it was Daniel and his 3 companions. Are we in agreement? They took about 10 minutes to look through the account and talked with each other and all agreed. Then I invited them all to open their Bibles and read along with me. (Jeremiah 29:1, 2) . . .And these are the words of the letter that Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the remainder of the older men of the exiled people and to the priests and to the prophets and to all the people, whom Neb•u•chad•nez′zar had carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon, 2 after Jec•o•ni′ah the king and the lady and the court officials, the princes of Judah and Jerusalem, and the craftsmen and the builders of bulwarks had gone forth from Jerusalem. . . Then I told them, “Notice it mentions the princes of Judah whom Nebuchadnezzar carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. So that includes Daniel and his 3 companions. Are we in agreement? So they take a few minutes to read and discuss and then agree with me. So then I invite them to turn their Bibles to, (Jeremiah 29:4-10) . . .This is what Jehovah of armies, the God of Israel, has said to all the exiled people, whom I have caused to go into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon, 5 ‘Build houses and inhabit [them], and plant gardens and eat their fruitage. 6 Take wives and become father to sons and to daughters; and take wives for YOUR own sons and give YOUR own daughters to husbands, that they may give birth to sons and to daughters; and become many there, and do not become few. . . For this is what Jehovah has said, ‘In accord with THE FULFILLING OF SEVENTY YEARS AT BABYLON I shall turn my attention to YOU people, and I will establish toward YOU my good word in bringing YOU back to this place. . . So I ask them, “How long did Jeremiah tell all those exiles including Daniel, that they would stay in Babylon before they went back to Jerusalem?” They stayed a while on this one, talked and talked about it and read and reread the scriptures above. And they finally said 70 years before they went back. So I asked them, let’s do some simple math. What year was Daniel taken to Babylon? So they look at each other and no one knows. So I ask if any of them have an I pad. And just about everyone has one. So I directed them to and looked up “Daniel” and I ask one of them to read what it says in So one reads it and everyone follows on their I pad and it says this about Daniel An outstanding prophet of Jehovah of the tribe of Judah. The writer of the book bearing his name. Very little is known of his early life, but he tells of being taken to Babylon, likely as a teenage prince, along with other royal offspring and nobles. (Da 1:3-6) This was in Jehoiakim’s third year (as tributary king to Babylon), which third year started in the spring of 618 B.C.E. (Da 1:1) With Jehoiakim’s inglorious death, Jehoiachin, his son, ruled for a few months before surrendering. Early in 617 B.C.E., Jehoiachin and other “foremost men,” also young Daniel (2Ki 24:15), were taken into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar. So I asked them, “What year was Daniel taken captive? They all answered, “617/618 BCE. So I asked them, “Now do the math, 617/618 minus 70 years. 70 years is how long Jeremiah said they would be in Babylon Correct. They all agreed. So this took about half an hour. They were all working, rereading, subtracting, and adding. So I went to get a sandwich and noticed the wife of my nephew who was not that happy when I arrived. She was not doing anything except looking at me with her hands folded and not smiling. In the kitchen were all my non-jw relatives. And my uncle blurted out, “You all are just a bunch of crazy Bible thumpers” They made me feel comfortable. It’s funny how non-jws have no idea and couldn’t care less about the battles going on right now with jw and exjws. They live in their own little world with their own problems. So I finally went back in and asked, “What’s the answer” they said, “547/548 BCE.” I said, “Correct” They look at each other and the elder asked me,” What does that mean?” I ask them, “When were the Jews released from Babylon and returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple? They answered, “539, no 537 no 539” I asked them, “Then why do you keep getting 548 BCE using the Bible?” Everyone keeps quiet. Then the Wife of the Nephew that doesn’t like me yells, “But the preaching work is important” I look at her and I tell her, “I AGREE”. And that keeps her quiet for a while. Then they ask me, “What does that mean” Why are we not getting 539 BCE. So I tell them, if you are getting 548 BCE that means 607 is wrong. Because in order to get to 607, you have to count 70 years from the end of the release which you all just figured out to be 547/548. And that means if 607 is wrong, then 1914 is also wrong. So that starts a huge lengthy conversation. We talk for the next few hours and I showed them several things about the Date 607 BCE. I also show them there were 3 exiles that happened and they freaked out because the last exile messes up the whole 607 chronology. All the Jews were supposed to be completely out on the 2nd exile and the land a was supposed to be complete desolate waste with no one living there for 70 years. (Jeremiah 52:28-30) . . .These are the people whom Neb•u•chad•rez′zar took into exile: in the seventh year, three thousand and twenty-three Jews. 29 In the eighteenth year of Neb•u•chad•rez′zar, from Jerusalem there were eight hundred and thirty-two souls. 30 In the twenty-third year of Neb•u•chad•rez′zar, Neb•u′zar•ad′an the chief of the bodyguard took Jews into exile, seven hundred and forty-five souls. All the souls were four thousand and six hundred. So now they are all freaked out and the implications are starting to surface. They are all at a loss for words. I see that look on their face. It the same look that started me down the road of waking up. I can see the struggle they were having with the information. And everyone is completely exhausted. And everyone keeps saying, why didn’t we know this, it’s in the Bible. What the heck is going on? This information is in OUR BIBLE. This is not apostate stuff. So I told them not to worry too much about it. I encouraged them to continue doing research. I told them not to take my word for it. They need to prove it to themselves if everything we talked about stands on solid ground. I told them that if they want to know who killed Nicole Simpson, you don’t ask O.J. Simpson who killed her. He will do his best to cover up and discourage you from looking at other sources for evidence. Then one of the young Ministerial Servants yelled at me and said, “Who is O.J. Simpson?” (Talk about feeling old) So I continued, “You should start researching other sources, start looking at the evidence no matter where it leads you. The Truth can stand up to anything. If what you believe is the Truth then you have nothing to worry about. Right? They all shook their heads affirmatively. So I told them to look at encyclopedias, references works by archeologists, historians, Bible scholars, Bible translators, and most important read and study your Bible. See if it matches with what you know about 607 BC. Then they asked me again, “But why is it that all of us put together could not see these things? Why would God allow us to not see simple things such as these facts that you have pointed out in just a few hours. I told them,” Sometimes if you see hard enough, you’ll see whatever it is that you’re looking for. And in doing so you might have to ignore a lot of other things to do it. And one of them might be the truth. This time research and don’t ignore anything. ((BTW,that’s a quote I learned in TV, LOL) Then from out of nowhere, the wife of the nephew steps in and in a loud voice says,” The preaching work is important” I looked at everyone and said, “I never said it wasn’t, in fact, I never said anything about preaching.” I’m I correct or not?” And everyone agreed. And they all responded to the Wife, “He never said anything about the preaching work.” She left the room mad. So as I stood up and started heading for the door, a couple of the wives made me a couple of sandwiches to go and hugged me. All the others either hugged me or shook my hand. (Except the wife of my nephew) So it turned out pretty good. They are leaving on Sunday. Let’s see if they call me back before they leave. Either way they took the (RED PILL) There’s no turning back.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 15:31:36 +0000

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