IVE HAD THE SAME THOUGHTS.... Malaysian Airliner Disappearance - TopicsExpress


IVE HAD THE SAME THOUGHTS.... Malaysian Airliner Disappearance Offers Snapshot of Post-Rapture World Shock This could indeed be yet another FOREWARNING of what is so soon to come. The disappearance of people all over the world in the Rapture of the Church. And, like Enoch BEFORE the flood, we will NOT be found anywhere, because God took us...Even IF people had the presence of mind (after the Rapture) to search, wed STILL be missing UNTIL 7+ years later, when we return with Jesus at the Armageddon scene. QUOTE FROM ARTICLE--Bottom line: Where are all the people? The answers don’t seem to be forthcoming as I write this. But as I have prayerfully pondered all of the above, I can’t help but wonder: Is this worldwide sense of shock and helplessness, of questions and confusion, of fear and grief, a glimpse of things to come? Is this a small snapshot of what the entire world will experience the day after the rapture of the church? Because the Bible is clear. There is coming a moment in time when Jesus will come back to gather to Himself all those—dead and alive—who have put their trust in Him. And on that day, the world will be asking, Where have all the people gone? Not just 239 of us, but millions of us. On that day, with millions of people directly impacted by their own missing friends and family members, in the midst of overwhelming shock and helplessness, of questions and confusion, of fear and grief—when the world searches for clues, how easily will they find the answer in what I leave behind? Instead of an oil slick, will there be traces of His grace and glory and truth? This is a thought I can’t seem to shake, so I share it with you. Will your life and mine be a light to the world (Matt. 5:14) that points people to Jesus after the rapture? END QUOTE Great concluding thoughts: as for me, my house burgeons with Bibles, books, and my personal writings and a book-length testimony. I PLAN to leave a huge trace of faith in Jesus behind me. And I pray that the people who need the truth FIND IT in what I leave behind.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:39:10 +0000

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