Id been living with my eyes closed for too long, those who refuse - TopicsExpress


Id been living with my eyes closed for too long, those who refuse to continue evolving will be stuck in the past. Stupid people are more socially acceptable, because everyone wants to be a teacher, but no one a student, and without a constant balance there will be no growth. I read nonfiction because they are the only art you can prove wrong, the only piece you can improve and tinker with, the only option for open source, the only true option for evolution. In order to completely control something you must know it better than it knows itself. Anything can be a variable to an equation witch is why there is always a different solution. However if you control all the variables, as the government attempts to do, you can slow or even stop evolution, taking away struggles once required and increasing problems that did not formerly exist, might broaden out our immunity to problems but as of today i would say it has aided in the intense regression of the general population. Today we discourage dangerous actions, experimentation and worst of all we make fun of answer seekers, call devoted people obsessed and call lazy people unlucky. What we all love is competition (that is one we can win right?) however today with the capitalist pyramid as it stands the only way to go is up, even though the ones at the top are kicking you down, thats how all competition works, the problem arises because thousands of us are born into a game that has already started, jump into any game half way through, and what happens, you better be on the right team, or the right side or the right spot, we really dont bank on luck until its all we have left. The problem with only one pyramid is its not imposible to get to the top, but it sure as hell isnt fair it isnt morally right and it certainly is not okay, but neither is the excessive drive to do the right thing, and this is because we all cant ever agree on what is the right thing. One day a very smart person pointed out a important point, he said By the end of my gender studies class not one person disagreed. Now theres many ways to take everything, on the surface there is every-uneducated person was taught educated cured smart. Or what came to my mind after a while, is the fact that there was no other option, the curriculum wasnt changed nothing improved, the teacher learned nothing, all we did was make the middle of the pyramid a little bigger, trying to form a box, we need to keep climbing, moving outward proportionally. We need to stop conforming so easily challenge everything to the end, because that and only that will wean out those who are not true those that are speaking out of tradition, hear say, rumors, social norms or as we like to say talking out of there ass, and reveal the real solution!!!! So my final point, I will listen to any argument, take in any info but will only retain what is proven, I am a realist because our imaginations are extremely inefficient, and completely driven by each-other!!!! Think about it! thats all i ask think respond and challenge everything every-time everyday it is the path to not perfection but improvement!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 10:17:08 +0000

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