Id like to clarify some issues of discussion as of late. - TopicsExpress


Id like to clarify some issues of discussion as of late. Particularly, those being discussed not only by amateur self-proclaimed Social Media Experts, but even by reputable web-based and brick-and-mortar news outlets such as the New York Times (some of you probably already know my beef with NYTimes). These discussions have to do with Facebooks upcoming January 2015 News Feed rollout. #1. All claims regarding facebook charging monthly or other new fees for views (with the exception of the already existing Boost Post option) are unverified and thus far completely undocumented. The ONLY place you will find this misinformation is on web sites that are basically quoting each other, and NOT on Facebooks own Business News page. #2. Facebook, nor any other social media or search platform, has ZERO interest in serving you up ads or even other content that you dont want to see. The more you like seeing it, the more you will engage with it. If you dont engage with content, they dont make money. This is beneficial to you and your business (if you own one), because learning how to post things that people want to see will set you apart from spammers and amateurs, and actually garner you even more of an audience that really REALLY wants to see your content. #3. Facebook has repeatedly, OFFICIALLY debunked claims made in urban myths that they are going to start charging for their service. To put it plainly, they cannot afford to charge for Facebook. They make far more money from the free sets of eyeballs they get to expose to content that those eyeballs HAPPILY expose themselves to, which advertisers happily pay to get exposure to. Conversely, a HUGE chunk of their target audience is Business Pages, which end up being a gigantic draw for them. Essentially, businesses are drawing in MILLIONS of viewers (equating to hundreds of billions of views), which FB monetizes without having to pay those businesses a dime. Businesses get a free forum upon which to engage with an already existing audience and build anew, without those members having to really join anything new! Who wins? Everyone. #4. If you read the Facebook news articles regarding this issue closely, you will see that the only posts that they are deliberately targeting for this rollout are posts that we, the audience, have already told them, by a vastly large consensus, are spammy or overly promotional. In fact, youll see that in the rules for this group, Ive already instituted guidelines that are based on this knowledge in the first place, which is why Im always deleting posts here. We want our group posts to show up in the news feed, and we want the content in this group to show up as relevant in search. If we let it get filled up with non-organic, non-engaging content, it will not have the kind of longevity we would prefer. And Facebooks statements regarding their new rollout confirm these guidelines with uncanny accuracy. #5. I speculate that if you are seeing some of your business page posts not getting the exposure you expect, you might try some experiments so that your posts are more organic and are seen as more interesting, not only by your audience, but by Facebooks algorithm, and I am sure your results will improve. Many page ghost writers will say that they dont have time to come up with unique posts for each forum that they post to, and I expect that those writers will be out of a job soon, as their results will only follow their enthusiasm and commitment to quality content. #6. If you want real information regarding what Facebook is about to roll out, you should probably read it at the source. Notice no mention of new fees, but rather some pretty awesome new features. #7. Wait and see.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 19:23:32 +0000

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