Id love to invite you to join me and my friend and mentor Martha - TopicsExpress


Id love to invite you to join me and my friend and mentor Martha Beck for a free teleclass on September 8: An Invitation To Peace. Do you yearn for more peace in your busy life? Are you in the midst of a life transition that has left you with a spiritual hunger for a deeper connection to Spirit? Do you crave a community of life-minded souls who can journey with you on your spiritual path? Do you sense that there’s a light within you that’s finally ready to radiate unapologetically? If so, you’re not alone. In a culture dominated by busyness, competition, greed, chaos, and overwhelm, the only way we will transcend is to remember that we are not drones slogging our way through the challenges of human life; we are spirits having a human experience! Yet what is this ephemeral spirit people talk about? How do we access it? And even more importantly, how do we learn to trust it so we can let it guide us to our true life purpose? These are the kinds of questions Martha Beck and I are committed to exploring with you if you’re ready. You’ll know this teleclass is the right fit to soothe your soul if: Your “to do” list is making you so crazy that it feels yummy to set it aside and focus on peace You’re curious what it would feel like to have a group experience of pure peace You’re interested in how your inner peace might affect the health and healing of the planet You’d love to learn tools for how to experience more stillness in everyday life You’re sick and tired of always feeling sick and tired You’re enthusiastic about spirituality You’ve experienced a crisis such as divorce, loss of a loved one, getting fired, bankruptcy, or a cancer diagnosis, and it has left you with a deep desire to get closer to a spiritual Source You’re suffering from fear, anxiety, or depression and you’re craving relief at a soul level You know you’re being called to some sort of spiritual service, and you sense that peace is the prescription to prepare you for this service Strange mystical things you can’t explain rationally have been happening You’ve tried meditating but you’re finding it hard to stick with it You feel like you’re all alone, like you haven’t quite found the right tribe of like-minded seekers in your neck of the woods You’re hiding in the spiritual closet and ready to come out in a safe way You’re not afraid of growth You sense that everything is falling apart but there’s a rightness to the change, if only you can stay in a state of peace If this sounds like you, please join me and Martha! We’d love to have the radiance of your Inner Pilot Light fan the flames of our gathering, as we unite with the intention to increase the vibration of all who participate and the planet in general. This opportunity to drop into pure serenity will help us all remember Who We Really Are so we can step more fully into our respective life purposes. Date: Monday, September 8, 2014 Time: 12:00–1:30 pm PT/3:00 pm ET Cost: Nothing! REGISTER HERE: https://te108.isrefer/go/CHTYS/LR1/
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:29:02 +0000

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