Identity in Christ begins at the place of true conversion. - TopicsExpress


Identity in Christ begins at the place of true conversion. Without a supernatural birth from heaven above one cannot experience a new identity in Jesus Christ. In the New Covenant life is not about Law keeping it is about living out the gospel which can only be done by true converts who now have their identity in Jesus Christ. It is about being conformed to the image of Christ in life which is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit in us. Going to church or staying away from it cannot produce identification with Christ. The new birth or what Scripture refers to as being born again is a supernatural work of God. Someone can grow up in church and not have it in reality and therefore spend their life frustrated with trying to keep up appearances until they del they no longer have to. That is when they leave altogether and run after the things of this world. Today churches and leaders would greatly struggle with what the Apostle John spoke concerning persons leaving the church. 1John 2:19 These people left our churches, but they never really belonged with us; otherwise they would have stayed with us. When they left, it proved that they did not belong with us. This reality is true under any type of church experience so before a particular group having new ideas decides to throw stones at the organized church as though it alone experiences this phenomenon, they should be aware. All of us are living in glass houses so to speak. The real issue facing the church in America is not one of style, whether of where one gathers, how one worships, or what programs are offered. It is one of a lack of Biblical conversion! Too many occupying spots in churches all across this land are not even born again for real! So when these unconverted ones do not conform to our many attempts to make them disciples in whatever venue it occurs, we ignorantly begin to blame the process, or claim it is due to lack of commitment on the part of leaders, or our worship does not have enough life to it. Wow! How easily we are duped into joining in the blame game because we refuse to accept the fact that God alone can save and only a truly converted person can understand the things of the Spirit and grow as they ought. We so desperately need to return to preaching the true gospel in whatever venue we choose to do church. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation! It is time to pray again for God to renew our commitment to the truth of the Gospel and return to a true Biblical faith in the finished work of Christ desiring to see others enter that faith with resolve having their lives transformed by the power of it.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 13:19:32 +0000

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