If a white person shoots a black person, it does not automatically - TopicsExpress


If a white person shoots a black person, it does not automatically make them guilty, or racist. A black teen being shot does not make a lynch mob mentality acceptable. I feel these things need to be said in light of what’s going on in Ferguson after the Brown shooting. I find it odd that there are comments about no due process for the teen who was shot, but people like Al Sharpton is condemning the officer without what? Due process. Instead of sitting and throwing stones of hypocrisy and subtly stirring up controversy, why does Al Sharpton not surround stores being looted? Why not stand between rioters and police? Next time Al Sharpton says “America is on trial” he may want to realize that there is no trial right now, and preach calm and patience. I was thinking about a few things the other day, and I’m sure you’re all waiting to hear about them. First, people forget that police are people. Then, at the same time, the police often forget that they’re people. While I’m talking about police right now, this applies to everyone. A huge issue is that people consider covering things up or avoiding consequences as “helping” someone. In this case, specifically I’m talking about how police will cover things up and what not, how they use the shield to shield each other when they do something wrong. When someone does something wrong, and YOU help that person avoid taking responsibility, that is NOT helping. That is enabling. That is setting that person up to do the same thing again. It is reinforcing their actions because not ONLY did they get away with it, BUT YOU SUPPORTED THEM THROUGH IT! Brothers, family members, loved ones, sisters, children—if you love someone, you teach them accountability and responsibility for their actions. You HELP them by allowing them to change, even (ESPECIALLY) when it may involve suffering consequences. If tomorrow, I punch Stephanie in the face, and Stephanie files a police report, it is NOT helping her, I or us to pressure Stephanie to drop charges, or to try to get the police office NOT to file the report, that is NOT helping ANYONE. It’s setting me to be able to repeat the action again in the future. Maybe I NEED help. Maybe this was NOT one incident, or if it was, maybe it’s not ONE incident so much as the FIRST incident. Maybe I NEED to get my ass thrown in jail, and then sent to counseling. I do not believe in this misconstrued, imagined influx of police brutality. I DO believe that police get away with things and often, when they are “punished” the outcome is laughable at best. I support the police. I support the police being made example of when they break laws. In fact, I think when an officer DOES commit a crime, they should be help to a HIGHER level of punishment because they should be better than that. In Ferguson, and to anyone supporting the rioting and looting, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. I am NOT saying there should not be PEACEFUL protests going on. There is a difference between civil protests and civil disobedience: one is disobedient (often illegal) and one is not. I support the people civilly and peacefully protesting and making their voices heard. But the ridiculous, violent, and destructive aspect of it is unacceptable. I’d like to see Al Sharpton and the Black Panthers unite to stop THAT. Now police resources and first responders are compromised. That means if a person is suffering a heart attack, and the police and paramedics are on the OTHER side of a crowd of rioters, that person DIES from a heart attack. Right now, schools in the area are CLOSED when they should be open, NOT because of police, NOT because of peaceful people holding signs and demanding justice. Children cannot attend school because of a society that accepts violence as a way to express your feelings and emotions. My heart goes out to the Brown family. They lost a son, and even if he DID commit a robbery, that doesn’t mean he deserved to be allegedly shot and executed. Even if he WAS at fault and DID attack the officer, I still feel for them, because they lost a son. I hope that in the end, the facts come out and one of two things happen: 1. He is found guilty based on the evidence and he is made an example of, held accountable to a high level for his actions. Not forced to retire with a pension and community service. 2. This is the scary one, but if he acted in accordance with the law, I hope the nation doesn’t resort to some form of violence, which I think it will, at least in and around the city of Ferguson. Unfortunately, I feel that if the cop acted in a manner that doesn’t make him guilty of murder, I believe that NOTHING will make rioters and criminals believe it, and that nothing will stop them from “rising up” and committing crimes in the form of vandalism, assault, and rioting. I think that nothing short of the dead teen coming back and saying “It was my fault, I assaulted him and went for his gun” will stop the violent reaction if the cop is not guilty. In fact, I think that if there was indisputable proof, INCLUDING the dead teen coming back, or the entire incident being caught on tape that proved the cop was justified, people would not WANT to hear it. Here is a harsh truth: there are people who cannot wait for a not guilty verdict. Not because it’s justice, or the truth. Just to be able to engage in criminal activity.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:22:59 +0000

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